
Thanks for the memories

even though they weren't so great

So today we got yearbooks, which is, like, epic. I colored the McDonald's fries on mine with a yellow sharpie-knock off. My signature on most peoples' yearbooks included a retarded inside joke, finished off with "-RhiiRadical" or "-Rhii".
The signatures in my yearbook (so far) are as follows:

Harry Potter say WHAT?! I [heart] Sirius

Hey Amanda
How are you Amanda
Love you Amanda
- Beza :o3


I [heart] you!
Remember not to hit anyone! =)
Lauren M

I [heart] u!

hi =)
Mark Govoni

(Bill AKA Ben)

Mitchell T.

Rhianne :D
is cooler than your mother ;p
Kendall :)



I [heart] YEW
^ INSERT "H" Here

Margaret Landers

. . . . .
[peace] [heart] =)


I love Rhianne!
-sam m.

Rhianne -
Thanks for being my Super Buddy! I love you's!
See you in the hall. Have an awesome summer! -Caroline!



Patrick's Corner
I've enjoyed beeing yor friend and will be looking forward to seeing u later somtime!
Bye Bye!

(Rhianne :( )
You're awesome!
Don't ever change!
-always Emma Salisbury

Have a great summer
[heart] U! - Braxton

Connor wuzn't here he wuz here -> here

I [heart] U and your so great at drawing. THIS IS MY page and don't forget it.
Over the summer, remember:
stay safe (u no what I mean),
stay cewl,
don't get pregnant,
when you go to the beach don't go touch the jelly fish.
And don't forget, STAY RANDOMLY
AWESOME! awswer the telly! Sharon!
[heart] Chris

Ash! :)

I have dorky friends. <3

I only appear four times in the yearbook: My seventh grade fall photo (fourth to last person), my Tech Lab photo (I look like a boy with my hair pulled back and an Auburn sweatshirt on), my SAMUN Ethiopia photo (in the back - with my hair tied up), and a photo of Helen and me at the Valentine's Dance (only good photo of me - but my dress looks photoshopped). I went around looking up the photos of the random sixth- and eighth-graders who I annoy the hell out of on a daily basis (or when I get a chance). I don't count Cory, Levi, or Leandra as being 'random' eighth graders since I've known them all since last year. :D (I met Leandra when we were preparing for the fall dance.) The 'random' eighth graders I do try to bug when I can are Ellis and Nolan, though. I'd bug the Taylor twins but they hate me because I broke up with their younger brother (dude, he wouldn't let my friends near me and he talked back to my dad - hell no) and then we prank called their mom's cell phone (I had taken his name off my contact list and I didn't have his number memorized so we called what seemed to be a random number on my Recieved Calls list - oops). Plus, they creep me out. D: In sixth grade, I stalk Jessica, Margaret, Ben, and Patrick.

At P.E. when we were signing, Kalyn turned to me and she said "Rhianne, you can sign if you want." and I ignored her blatantly. I'm a mean person sometimes but I really don't care. Also, glancing at some of my friends' yearbooks that she did sign, I noticed that I spell her name wrong. She spells her own middle name wrong - it's 'Rianne', which is completely fucked up - so I won't bother spelling her first name right. (Yes, you may draw my attention to the fact that my birth certificate spells my middle name the same way, but that is because the people who printed it were on crack. I always have and always will spell my name "Rhianne". It is not "Rianne", it is not "Rihanne" or "Rihanna" or "Rhianna", it is not "Brianne" or "Leanne" and it sure as hell ain't "Rhainne". I swear, I have been called Leanne, Brianna, Rihanna, and 'Rain'. When I was Amanda, I was called Miranda, so don't start with me about changing my name back, dammit.)


I have the urge to burst into totally inappropriate song, man.

I forgot to say: I went to my blog page to get the photo off my profile for my Seventh Grade Scrapbook that was totally overdue at school and I forgot to clear the history. Brady and Russell found it during their Math class and have started telling people I posted stuff about Brooke and Eden. You never see the name 'Brooke' in here and I only talked about Eden when I was relating the Lynette incident (I talk about Lynette shamelessly and I don't really care if she knows that). I was pissed. I signed on to my own blog to show them that I didn't post anything, and then I erased all history of it on the school computers. Gr.


Levi said...

Wowzuh, you got almost twice as many people to sign your yearbook than I did. :o

But then again, I mostly just talked with Cory for that hour that I had. Oh wellz.

Ha, Adrian was listening to 3OH!3 earlier today. I would know because he texted me about it.

Right now I'm currently listening to a song from Lion King 2. I forgot how awesome LK and LK2 were. And for some reason, a couple weeks ago "Not One of Us" popped into my head and I don't know why. So I'm listening to it now.

I am such a loser. But it's fun. XD

Rhio said...

xD I forced people to sign.

I got my of my signatures at P.E. - during lunch, I just read "The Osbournes" so I could take my final test.

Call me crazy, but I've never seen the second movie and the last time I saw the first was when I was a little kid. xD

You are a loser. :D But you're an awesome loser.