
She said she won the world at a carnival.

I've officially become addicted to "Bones" by the Killers. I blame Levi. (The lyrics in the title are from "She Had the World" by Panic! at the Disco, though.)
Speaking of which, we went to the mall today. We stuck around for, like, three hours. Mostly we just talked (and rode the escalators at Dillard's). It was nice. What I like about hanging out with him is that I don't have to worry about drama - he's mellow and since we're in different grades we don't have to bother with, like, mutual drama. You know what I mean?
Not much else has happened so far. c:


Levi said...

Heya, Rhianne! You're welcome for the song. =P

And I wouldn't say that. I have drama, I just don't want it so I try to drop it.

Geez, from this comment and my recent post, I feel like I've said the word drama twenty times. There's just too much of it fluttering about. :S

Rhio said...

I have drama, too, but at least when I hang out with you we have no mutual drama. xD You remind me that the world has some sanity in it.