
Took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind

I left my body laying somewhere in the sands of time
["Kryptonite" - 3 Doors Down]

Levi and I went to the mall today. I had planned to get there a bit early so I could get a t-shirt or something (I've become an online shopping junkie but without PayPal I have to rely on what our in-city stores have in stock) but my sister picked me up a little late. I was proud of my hair - instead of curling at the ends like usual, it stayed straight (thank god for sunshine). Actually, today was the only sunny day we've gone to the mall.

It was fun, and I like being around Levi. Today, though, I felt like I messed up or did something wrong or something. Not sure why. I guess it could have been because I was stressed and trying to show it as little as possible. Or because I feel as though I have a lot of personality online and through texts but in person I'm extremely boring to be around. I need to relax and stop worrying so much. :\

Out of curiosity, I stole this from Chloe's dA journal. Comment with the questions and your response. If you want to. o.o

I committed suicide:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I lived next door to you:
I started smoking:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got into a fight and you weren't there:


Be my friend?:
Keep a secret if I told you one?:
Hold my hand?:
Take a bullet for me?:
Keep in touch?:
Try and solve my problems?:
Love me?:
Date me?:

Lied to make me feel better?:
Wanted to kiss me?:
Wanted to kill me?:
Broke my heart?:
Kept something important from me?:
Thought I was unbearably annoying?:

1. Who are you?:
2. Are we friends?:
3. When and how did we meet?:
6. Describe me in one word.:
7. What was your first impression?:
8. Do you still think that way about me now?:
9. What reminds you of me?:
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?:
11. How well do you know me?:
12. When's the last time you saw me?:
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?:
14. Are you gonna paste this to your blog to see what I say about you?:


Er. Some of those questions can come out a bit awkward. You can skip any questions you don't want to answer. :\


Levi said...

I could tell something was getting to you yesterday. I didn't bring it up, though, because I figured if you wanted to talk about it, you would.

And I think all of us are different in person than we are online. Online, we can be whoever we want. We can say things without having as much fear. Plus, there's less pressure.

I'll do the questions later. I really will. Every single one of them. In fact, I already did them. But my computer decided to go all "Microsoft has encountered a problem, would you like to send a report of the error?" or whatever it says. I clicked "Don't Send" and so it exited out of the window with all my answers unsaved. I hate my computer. Hate it.

You might not want me to answer every single question, though. Because I'm telling you, I WILL answer every single one. I'm brutally honest sometimes. So you might want to reconsider letting me answer. Because here's something to live by:

Don't ask a question you don't want to know the answer to.

-mischevious smile-

Angela said...

I committed suicide: I'd blame myself for not helping.
I said I liked you: Be totally creeped out if it wasn't in a friendly are joking way.
I kissed you: Take out a restraining order.
I lived next door to you: Do I really have to say it? PARTY!
I started smoking: I'd make you stop.
I stole something: I'd make you take it back.
I was hospitalized: I'd go see you every day that I could, and I'd bring a burrito and a Iron Man comic book.
I ran away from home: I'd offer my house as a place to stay.
I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd kick their butts once I found them.

Personality: Your shy but outgoing and you always have an opinion ( I know that was a HORRIBLE description of you, but you're REALLY hard to describe)
Eyes: You have two of them!
Hair: It changes colors like Tonk's!
Family: You have a Mom that smokes, your dad is Bruce who can speak in a British accent, your sister is Heather (I think) who is housed in Slytherin.

Be my friend?: Duh...
Keep a secret if I told you one?: Certainly!
Hold my hand?: Not unless you were falling off a building.
Take a bullet for me?: I don't know... I'd actually have to be in the situation ya'know?
Keep in touch?: Yep!
Try and solve my problems?: I already do that and I will forever.
Love me?: As a friend, yes.
Date me?: No...

Lied to make me feel better?: Probably, but it was for your own good.
Wanted to kiss me?: No...
Wanted to kill me?: Maybe... Just kidding!! (I'm the neighborhood serial killer!)
Broke my heart?: I don't think so.
Kept something important from me?: On accident, yes.
Thought I was unbearably annoying?: Occasionally annoying but not unbearably. I usually just told you to stop.

1. Who are you?: Angela Buie
2. Are we friends?: I hope.
3. When and how did we meet?: We met in 6th grade. You and I were friends with Laurel.
6. Describe me in one word.: indescribable
7. What was your first impression?: Great, someone else to make fun of me...
8. Do you still think that way about me now?: No, never
9. What reminds you of me?: Your Slytherin tie that I need to give back to you but only after we see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince *Cough, Cough, SNAPE!
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?: A machine that gives hugs every time you wanted it to.
11. How well do you know me?: I have no clue. I think I know you pretty well.
12. When's the last time you saw me?: Thursday.
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Probably
14. Are you gonna paste this to your blog to see what I say about you?: Haven't decided.

Rhio said...

@Levi:I was trying to think of some way to say it, but in the end I sort of just gave up.

Why don't you save up your poker money to buy a new one? I'm sure it wouldn't take too long.

Feel free to answer however truthfully you like. :P Even if your response to "Have you ever thought I was unbearably annoying?" is "Always."

@Angela:I nearly doubled over laughing at the Harry Potter jokes (especially the Tonks one). :D You are radtastic with a side of awesome-sauce.

~Loreo Cookies~ said...


I committed suicide: D: I would cry.

I said I liked you: Uhm... Sorry, but I don't feel the same way.. x.x

I kissed you: That's just... a little awkward...

I lived next door to you: Whootwhoot! 8D That would be amazing.

I started smoking: D:< I'd smack that cig from yo' hand, nigguh.

I stole something: Depends what it is. x)

I was hospitalized: I would be upset 'cuz I can't go over there and make it any better. :(

I ran away from home: I would be somewhat ashamed of you.

I got into a fight and you weren't there: Well, I wouldn't be there for any fight you get in, unfortunately.


Personality:Weird, but most definitely not bad.

Eyes:I dunno. xD

Hair: Funneh, cuz you're always playing with it. :D

Family:I don't know your family. ;x


Be my friend?: Of course. :o

Keep a secret if I told you one?: Definitely.

Hold my hand?: Uhm... If it's not in a lovey-dovey way. x.x'

Take a bullet for me?: Not to be an ass, but not under pressure, maybe not. But if it was some action movie kinda shit, I definitely would. >.<

Keep in touch?: Duh. >.<

Try and solve my problems?: I would try to HELP you solve them. :o

Love me?: As a friend. :D

Date me?: I don't swing that way, Ghosteh. :x


Lied to make me feel better?: Nope. x)

Wanted to kiss me?: No. x.x'

Wanted to kill me?: We both know the answer to that one. :D

Broke my heart?: I don't think so. :o

Kept something important from me?: I guess. Maybe. I doubt it. xD

Thought I was unbearably annoying?: At one point, yes.


1. Who are you?: Iss Lor! 8D

2. Are we friends?: Yesh. :3

3. When and how did we meet?: cL, August 12, 2007. x)

6. Describe me in one word.: Weird. :o

7. What was your first impression?: What a fudging beeyotch. :(

8. Do you still think that way about me now?: Only playing around I do, but not seriously.

9. What reminds you of me?: ALABAMA AND PEANUTS 8D

10. If you could give me anything what would it be?:A HUG 8D Real gifts are from the heart. 8) ~Broke~

11. How well do you know me?: You should be answering that question. o.0

12. When's the last time you saw me?: NEVER. :D

13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Nah, I say it like it is. :3

14. Are you gonna paste this to your blog to see what I say about you?: Maybe, if I actually get around to posting sometime soon. x.x