
Andy, you're a star ~~

~~ in nobody's eyes but mine

This is seriously messed up.

So Austin and I were close friends last year, you know. He was my best friend - I don't know if I was his, but he was mine. I was there for him, and he was there for me. At least, I thought he was.

Fast forward to seventh grade.

I won't bother describing how he got new friends and started ignoring me, but I will talk about last night. I texted him, and, for once, he answered. He sounded like something was up, and he even said "I'm apathetic right now." I got concerned, so I asked him if something had happened. He got irritated, asking me why I always thought something was wrong. So I was like, "We never talk anymore so forgive me if I don't know what actually goes on in your life." and then he dropped the bombshell. Long story short, he said that he's popular now so he only talks to me when he "gets a chance". Then we went on to argue about nicknames - he hates me saying his name or calling him "Aus" or "Aussie" and I hate him calling me "Rhi-Rhi", "Amanda", and "Fruity" - and at that point he A) fell asleep because he didn't feel good (no, I do not feel guilty for arguing with a guy who was feeling sick) or B) decided to just stop texting.

On Thursday, I'd like to add, Brandon told Braxton that Austin was trying to break Braxton and Kalyn up and I spent all of fifth period trying to convince Braxton not to kick Austin's ass. I did not succeed and therefore pulled Austin to the side (I nearly shoved him into the lockers because I was pissed) and informed him: "Dammit, Austin, Braxton's going to kick your ass because he thinks you're trying to break him and Kalyn up. You better not get hurt 'cos if you do I'm going to kill him and I don't want any blood on my hands." And yes, almost exactly in those words. At the same time Brandon was trying to get Austin to ignore me and go to class because he was afraid I'd say that he told Braxton. Instead I saved his ass and cussed him out at morning carpool the next day.

And then today, I got a call from Braxton (who got pissed at me yesterday). At first, I ignored it. I let it ring (or, rather, vibrate, since I'd been texting Levi and I didn't want my phone to go BEEP BEEP BEEP everytime he texted back), and then called him back. Here is what transpired:

Rhianne: What?

Braxton: ... Well, that was kinda... rude. I was going to ask you if you wanted to do something, but fine then...

Rhianne: -huff- I'm in a bad mood right now, Braxton.

Braxton: Then I guess I'll call you back later.

FYI I feel no guilt.

Anywho, he did call me back (to him, "later" is the span of about two minutes). This time he pulled Kalyn on the phone. They asked me if I wanted to go to the mall. I said sure (although the entire time I used my irritated voice and tried to glare at them through the phone) and the plans were made. Because I have horrible luck with weekend plans, Kalyn got into an argument with her mom, which resulted in her getting grounded, which resulted in Braxton going emo and deciding not to go, which resulted in my not getting to go because A) I would be alone and B) Braxton was supposed to pick me up. When I asked him why me, of all people, he chose to drag out with them to the mall, he said that Kalyn wasn't allowed to go out with a guy alone. So I was supposed to be their chaperone on a date. That irked me to no end.

On a not-dramatic note, I've been texting Levi for the past two days. I met him at the SET / Chess Tournament last year (in the summer, also of last year, I made a post about my determination to win this year; I got third place, which was better than I did last year, so I'm happy). We played Twenty Questions. c: But we didn't get through all twenty. He has a blog, too, as well as the link to this here blog. Hi, Levi.

Also, I fully intend to force Angela to bring her blog back to life.

[ Edit ]

I forgot to add that about two weeks ago Mitch and I went out again. I thought it would be different and that the only reason I was so uncomfortable last time was because I was getting over someone else. I was so wrong. Turned out he only liked me because he thought I was hot. He's already had three girlfriends since then. He's an idiot.

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