
Never gonna DANCE again

These guilty feet are gone of rhythm

One guess as to what event happened today.
I officially have three pairs of awesome glasses: my thin purple prescriptions, my thick black nerd glasses, and my bright pink heart-shaped sunglasses. They own yer mom.

At the dance, I danced. I dorked around with Angela, Chris, Keeley, and Heather. "Right Round" officially made my hair a mess - we were shaking our heads back and forth. For some reason I can never get down / get low / drop it. Ever. Or do the Cupid Shuffle (what IS a 'Charlie Brown'?). And Soulja Boi Tell'Em confuses the hell out of me. The only songs I sat out on were slow songs, and even then I stole a girl friend to dance (it's official - I am Chris's and Ashley's and Emily's ex-girlfriends :D).

At lunch, I had a burrito, man. Levi passed by right as I was taking a bite. If he'd been sitting at my table I would have been like "Dude... I, like, have a burrito, man~~" in the stoner voice (which has actually convinced authentic weed smokers that I was one of them). Also, ROFLMAO HYDE HAD A BURRITO that is all.

I have "Starstruck" stuck in my head. I like this song, this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick~ I very nearly literally rofled my ass off when that came on.

I forgot to add that Braxton and Kalyn came up to me and asked me if I hated them. I didn't answer but instead hit Austin because I had told him when I was angry at them that I was "seriously starting to hate" them. (His defense: "I didn't tell them. Besides, they already know you hate them.")

Also, I am officially fail.


Levi said...

First off, awesome song. :o

And c'mon, the Cupid Shuffle is EASY. Even I can do that. And I don't think anybody knows what a 'Charlie Brown' is. I definitely don't. Maybe that's the point. <.<

I don't really care for Soulja Boi. =/

And I woulda been like, "Dude... where's my burrito?"

Haha, I'm imagining the "Dude, where's my car" scene now. Gosh, I'm stupid. XD

"I don't know where your burrito is, dude..."


Okay. I need to stop now. Bai.

Rhio said...

It is an awesome song. :o

I fail at the Cupid Shuffle. D: When everyone moves one way I usually move the opposite way, step on someone, or just do something totally retarded. When I hear "Charlie Brown, y'all" or whatever it is and I look around everyone is going like "-kickkick-" and I'm like "what".

DUDE WHERE'S MY CAR I love that movie. xD One day at carpool I did nothing but stand there and look around and say "Dude... where's my car?" I could so imagine that.

"Dude... did it, like... go into the Twilight Zone?"

Angela said...

I guess I'm a nobody 'cause I know how to 'Charlie Brown'. You kinda have to when your softball team is a bunch of losers that do nothing but dance to the Cha-Cha Slide.

Lexi said...

I like pretending I can dance. It is very amusing for those around me.

Gah! This prolly looks like I'm stalking you, but I PROMISE YOU I'M NOT. *puts away binoculars*

best wishes!