
It's five o'clock somewhere

Ohcrap. That's here. :o

I got to school a bit late this morning. My hair turned into a mess mess, actually, instead of looking like an intentional mess. I like my intentionally messy style. Then again, with haphazardly cut hair like mine, everything looks messy.

I measured my weight in Biology today - we didn't have to, but Dean handed out scales to us (for some sort of muscle thing, like I actually remember what it was about) and when she wasn't looking I stood on our group's scale. I'm only 90 lb., which means I lost four pounds (rather than gaining weight). I hate being so scrawny. : I've adjusted to looking like a boy, though.

I feel like ranting, but I'm not sure on what topic to rant. : I could always rant about Austin. I swear, there is no limit to how much I could rant about him. Damn. Everytime he acts so fake it pisses me off. I'm the only one who even remembers what he used to be like. Well, there was a mini-rant.

Have you seen America's Next Top Model? Some of those chicks on there are such bitches. Makes me think twice about making up a portfolio for Rare Quality. (Then again, I'd never make it to ANTM anywho. xD I'd probably rip "Miss Jay's" face off. He makes me sick the way he tries to draw attention to himself by dressing retarded and putting down everyone.)

The dance is Friday. I just like seriously realized that. I'm still trying to decide if I want to dance or not. I know that when I get there I'll have no choice - I'll automatically start dancing, even though I don't really want to. I look so ridiculous. Lynette always goes "Dance, Rhianne!" at me in the hallway, and this week it's been worse. Everytime she sees me she makes a comment like "Can't wait to see your new moves on Friday, Amanda!" I probably wouldn't mind being called Amanda as much if people didn't use it to irritate me. Last year I nearly rebroke my then-best friend's nose for calling me by my real name. I felt no remorse.


Levi said...

I got to school late this morning, too. How weird. O_o

And I weigh about 110 pounds. Last time I checked, anyways.

The mini-rant was also quite nice. Short and quick to the point. My rants turn out to be whole posts long and have excessive use of capital letters. So yeah, good job.

And argh, the dance. No! I hate dances. Not because I can't dance, I don't care about that. But because... I don't know. Dances... well, depress me. To put it simply. Just like the beach does.

The beach is nice, I love the beach. But seeing people together while I'm alone tends to bring me down.

Rhio said...

That is strange. :o (Also, I just realized that the reason I didn't see you at morning carpool was because I wasn't at carpool. Funny how that works, huh? xD)

Thanks. I could have gone on for an entire post, I know that much. I still think I need to start putting more detail into my blog posts, though. :\

I know what you mean. I almost didn't go to the Valentine's Dance because I knew how it would go down. I'm probably going to spend Friday hanging out on the sidelines (likely alone, as Angela will be dancing and everyone else will be standing around in clusters).

Lexi said...

Hi Rhianne! This is probably creepy/scary, but I found you from Levi's blog! And Levi most likely thinks I'M creepy, because I found HIM from someone else's blog, and I've only commented on his blog like three times.



And it is TOTALLY fate that I comment, because I bought Dr. Horrible last night SO I COULD WATCH IT ON MY iPod and avoid having to turn on the computer. Jeez. I'm a nerd. sorry!

Rhio said...




Anywho, hi. xD I don't mind at all. It's nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

i sent u an invitation to read meh blog. so check ur email

Rhio said...
