
I'd like to buy the world a Coke

and keep it company :)

So Levi and I went to the mall today (naturally). We only had an hour and thirty minutes - we both got there a little late and my sister was determined to leave at 4:oo P.M. - but we made the most of it. I was so smart that I wore a tank top on a rainy, cold day. Yep.

Basically, we do nothing but walk around, ride escalators, dodge people we know, and drink Coke. I love Sundays. :D But for some reason, Sunday draws all of the 'gossip queens' in seventh grade to the mall. Last time we saw Sam and Kendall, which wasn't too bad because I'm on good terms with them, but today we ran into Morgan and Katie (they run in pairs :o). They didn't see me because I started walking faster after the brief shock wore off and sort of hid behind Levi. If they had seen me, though, they'd automatically tell people like Lynette. :\

He played poker for eleven hours and only got four hours of sleep, so he was a bit loopy, but in a good way. xD We sat and drank Coke and looked at the dates on our coins (I had a 1965 penny WHAT THEN) and he made a statue out of our straw wrappers. I managed to get him to go get a cookie with me. He wasn't going to get himself a cookie at first, but my influence was too influenzic (don't ask o.o). So he got a cookie and I got two. I ripped the second one in half and gave him one half for later. If you don't eat it, Levi, you will make me sad. D:

Next Sunday I'll probably have to get my dad to drop me off instead of having my sister take me and stay at the mall. I'm getting sick of her making me leave early, and she won't be able to to take me for the next two Sundays anywho. If it's a clear day, my mom will pro'lly let me stay there without having a family member stick around. It makes me feel like a dork when my sister or dad are somewhere in the mall, 'cos no one else's parents do that. :\

My birthday is the Tuesday after next (June 2nd). I'm not having a party, but I'll probably drag Levi and Angela out somewhere. Maybe not together, since they don't know each other and I don't think either would enjoy being stuck with a person they don't know. I do not eat cake so don't even suggest it. Does anyone know of some good movies playing on the second? I usually go to a movie for birthdays (last year: Iron Man; previous year: At World's End) and then out to eat afterwards (last year: McDonald's; previous year: Chili's). I'd kind of like to do something less monotonous and plain, though. I mean, I'm turning thirteen. I don't like drawing attention to the fact that it is my birthday on my actual birthday (and opening presents is always awkward for me), so I'd like it to be something not birthday-specific but still fun at the same time. Dunno how I'm going to really work out my plans if I hang out with Ange and Levi separately.

Birthdays are confusing. :\


Levi said...

First off: OH MAH GAH (I seriously have to stop saying that) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN!

Sorry, you said At World's End and my brain temporarily exploded from Johnny Depp's awesomeness.

But it's good now. :)

You totally don't have to worry about hanging out with me on your birthday. Hang out with Angela if that will keep things simple. I'll just have to give you your CD whenever I get the chance to.

And I will also eat that cookie. After I eat said cookie, I will send you a text confirming the eat-age. O.o

Hmm, yeah. You don't have to worry about being such a dork. My dorkiness just might exceed yours. XD

Rhio said...


Just because you said that, I am forcing you to go to dinner. That's the one thing that Angela would not be interested in: dinner with less than five people.

I has not received such a text yet. c:

xD That's a possibility, you dorkasaurus. But in your case, the dorkiness is good.

Lexi said...

My mom used to teach piano to Johnny Depp's third cousins (some distant relationship). Their last name was Depp, too. So epic.

Um yeah you probably didn't care! Have a nice day, and a nice birthday!

Angie Boo said...

I object to your insulting comment (though it is true...)!

If you were a member of the jury wouldn't you have said she was guilty?