
I want to swim away but don't know how

sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean

I seriously need to clean out the inbox on my phone. I cleaned it out on Thursday and it's practically overflowing by now (why am I not surprised?). Then again, everyone who has ever looked at my text inbox knows I'm a message-hog. I still have messages from August. :D

At least today was uneventful. I snapped at Braxton in Chess (no, I am not a chess player - actually, I'm rather famous for my inability to play it in our class) when he dismissed the idea that he had tried to use me as a chaperone. Then again, it wasn't really necessary. He contradicted himself by saying "We just needed you because Kalyn's mom wouldn't have let her go without another girl there, not as a chaperone-whatever."

I'm exhausted. I managed to get to sleep at a reasonable time, but I haven't eaten dinner for nearly a week. My appetite has been disappearing recently for whatever reason and my brain hasn't been working well (why I haven't gone into much detail recently when posting). Maybe that's just stress.

Actually, I really do feel like my other posts could use more detail. Blunt is nice and good sometimes, but not really in this case. You don't really gather much out of most of my posts.

I'm sort of horrified because I can't remember the tune to "Into the Ocean". As many of my friends may remember, I used to be obsessed with Blue October. Seriously, obsessed. Said obsession lasted from mid-fifth grade to mid-sixth grade. I memorized as many of their songs as possible but recently my fangirlism for them has given way for bands such as, well, the Killers and Panic! at the Disco, but also Fall-Out Boy, Metrostation, and Shinedown. (Trust me, my music-love is not limited to just them. At all.)

I have the spontaneous urge to go watch Dr. Horrible.

You need to, too.

Yeah, you.

You can't hide from me. D:<


Levi said...

My phone only holds up to about 100 messages, so I really have no choice in keeping them. The oldest always get deleted. =/

And Braxton really needs a dictionary, doesn't he?

I have to eat dinner. I'm starving by the time I get home. Tonight I had lasagna. I LOVE lasagna.

And I really only know one or two of Blue October's songs. I listend to Andy, You're a Star by the way, and it was pretty cool. But unfortunately I've had Lily Allen's Kabul Shit in my head for the past... I dunno. Hour? Hour and a half? It sucks.

Anyways, later!

Rhio said...

I currently have 185 messages, with the remaining five spaces left. I so need to do a major clean-up. D:

That he does.

Lasagna? That's epic. :o Usually, our dinner is home-cooked hamburgers or microwaved hotdogs. In my case, if I eat dinner it'll likely end up being a Poptart or a carrot before I crash.

I haven't really listened to Lily Allen before; I take it you don't like her? I was singing "Andy, You're a Star" at morning carpool (until Brandon told me I sucked at singing and that I needed to shut up). I need to find some new music, but at the moment I'm killing time with songs from Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. (I'm a font-formatting dork, ignore me.)

Anonymous said...


but mine is set on private so only a few people can look at it

(ill need ur email adress to send u a rquest to be able to see my blog)

Anonymous said...


Rhio said...

I have a blog, I do. :D
My email address is kakashi.omfg@gmail.com (I used to be a Narutard). And I've always gone by Rhianne. xD