
I tried so hard and got so far

but in the end, it doesn't even matter

It's official. Sunday is Mall Day.

Levi and I went to the mall again today. We were going to go see the Haunting in Connecticut but it was taken off-screen, so then we decided to go see Knowing at seven o'clock but then my parents told me we had to go to a matinee movie but there weren't any matinees we wanted to see so we went to the mall. Epic, eh?

We ran into Sam and Kendall. I hugged 'em both and then tried to make a get-away but then they were all "Who's he? Are you on a date? Do you guys go out?" They were not the only random girls we ran into, either. There was a chick who neither of us knew who passed by, waved, smiled, and said, "Hey, cutie." Or maybe 'Keeley'. I'm guessing she A: thought I was a girl named Keeley or B: thought Levi was cute. c: Or she could have been lesbian. I wouldn't know. Also, when we were going to Shiny Floor Place (Belks) two girls stopped us, asked us to give them our hands (we both thought they were going to do some psychic reading thing or something), and then put my hand in his.

Girls have issues, I can tell you that. c: (Levi, I apologize if anything I related there from the mall was something you would rather me not have posted.) I can sort of understand Sam and Kendall, because they actually know me and one is my friend and the other is my relative, but what is up with the others?

Also, Levi, I'mma borrow your kidney, mkay? c:

I'm watching Saw II.


Lexi said...

I am still stalking you. sorry. (this is getting repetitive)

but yeah. girls are weird. i mean, i'm a girl myself, but what gives random strangers the right to assume you're on a date if you go places with guy friends? and what gives them the right to embarrass you?

Rhio said...

It's fine. xD

I wouldn't know what they were thinking. I like to bother strangers when I'm on my own, but even then I don't try to embarrass them. I usually go up to them, ask them for a high-five, and then get a conversation started.

Levi said...

It's all fine. But yeah, that was def-o weird.

And you can borrow my kidney, but I need it back before dinner. XD

Angela said...

Why don't you ever tell me these things? I always have to read about it on your blog or steal your notebook.