
We're going down, down in an earlier round

and sugar we're going down swingin'
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex
Cock it and pull it
["Sugar, We're Going Down" - Fall Out Boy]

These past few days have been sorta crazy.

Wyatt and I went to the mall. He's... tall. Wow. I didn't realize he had gotten that tall. And he walks really fast; I practically had to run to keep up with him. He did most of the talking, mainly telling me about things that happened at Honeysuckle. Talking to him about Honeysuckle is like going back in time; I knew almost all of the kids he mentioned from elementary school. I nearly died when he said he knew Dalton. Oh, man. I hope he doesn't tell him he knows me, but it'd be sort of funny. And he knows Tori, who hated me all throughout fifth grade. And he knows Maddie, and A'Jae. He started talking about people who texted him, and he said "Katie, Katie um..." and at that moment I suddenly knew what he was about to say. I finished by stating her last name and he was like "Yeah, I have her number. I don't text her much, though."

KatieKatieKatie. Katie was my best friend in kindergarten. I still remember how upset I was because I was too sick to go to her birthday party. And I still have a photo of us at Christmas. During the summer between second grade and third grade, she mysteriously disappeared (AKA she moved to Mobile, I've learned now), and I had no way of knowing where she went. For all I knew, she could have been abducted by aliens. Either way, I made it my goal to find her, as dorky as it may sound.
I found her.

She's... different. Obviously. I mean, it's been like seven years. She doesn't remember me. Has no clue who I am. Go figure. But she's nice, I guess. Hard to talk to. I'm not used to people replying with simple answers or "idk"s. I have no clue how to have a conversation with her.

It's like I'm talking to an amnesic.

Have you ever seen a TV show or a movie or read a book in which someone goes missing, and then one of their friends or family members or a lover looks for them, and finally finds them years later, and they don't remember a thing and are completely different? And the person who found them is totally disappointed and upset?


The only thing we seem to have in common is Harry Potter, and she hasn't read the books - only seen the movies. And when she said middle school has sucked for her so far, and I said "Surely something good must've happened?" her response was "yeah. i met really hot guys".

I don't see how we were friends to begin with, but maybe we'll be able to get along. Maybe. It's a possibility, alright? A very slight possibility, but a possibility all the same.

At least I'm being... somewhat optimistic. Or maybe I'm just in denial.


Oh, and Jake is not Jake. I think that's all I'll say about that right now.

I'm hungry. @.@ Well. Duh. I haven't eaten a thing today. Maybe I'll go make a hamburger or something. I'd rather eat than think.


(And I will love you if you get the joke in the IM. FYI Tenshi is Lor. HI LOR.)


Rhio said...

I just remembered how I used to skip EVERYWHERE in elementary school. I would not walk. I would not run. I would SKIP.

And then that reminded me of a line from The Hogfather where Susan Sto Helit - who is a governess - tells one of the kids, "Real children don't skip unless they're on drugs."

I was either not real or on drugs.

You pick. xD

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

I say on drugs. : D

But if you didn't exist that'd explain a lot. xD


Dibsy said...

caps lock is eveel. :O

Levi said...

Yes, I do love your IM dorkiness. Even though I didn't get the joke. x.x


And I agree with Dibsy. O_o

I hate it when people respond with simple answers. I hate it when I do it. It like... kills the conversation. Murders it.


Kendra Logan said...

Great post! I so know how you feel with Katie.


Rhio said...


@Dibsy It is. :o

@Levi Of course you love it. :P I commanded you to.

And what actually happened was Lor's character Mithos said something so I said "WELL" then pressed enter and typed "THAT MAKES SENSE" and at the same time I pressed enter to post that, Lor posted "CAPS LOCK BEAT MY MOTHER AND RAPED MY FATHER D':" so it looked like I was saying it made sense for Caps Lock to abuse her parents. xD

... It was funny to us. x3x

@Kendra Thank you. :)