
It's not the end of the world

In fact it's not even the end of the summer

But thank God the TV is on

'Cos there's no way we could know

Anything that's goin' down

Or how we're supposed to be feeling about it

I can't tell you how much I wish we could shut up and smile, yeah

["Shut Up and Smile" - Bowling For Soup]

"All we need is some ice cream and a hug!" How true, how true. :D

DUDE. YOU GUYS - EVERYONE - YOU NEED TO READ WHITE NOISE. It's a scifi webcomic. Like, go read it, now. There are only six chapters up right now, but it's started updating weekly. :D I have to say, my favorite page is this one. (No spoilers - don't worry.) I would undoubtedly be that one poor person in the audience. Half-naked dancers make me blush, anyday. Actually, half-naked ANYONE makes me uncomfortable. -pokes the D in PE she got-

I'm going through Poptart withdrawal. D: -flails- I need the tartiness. I'm losing mah intelligence.

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