
"Oh what the hell," she says, "I just can't win for losing,"

and she lays back down.
Man, there's so many times I don't know what I'm doing
like I don't know now.
["Her Diamonds" - Rob Thomas]

Sometimes I feel like the girl in the song, and sometimes I feel like the singer. Depends on what day of the week it is.

I have no clue what I'm doing. I actually don't mind, really, because no one really knows what they're doing. I do wish I had a sliver of an idea, though. I'm just going by what feels right and what makes me happy.

I realized recently that the little choices you make in life can open up a whole new world to you. It makes me want to take more risks. Why not?

Lessee. Saturday, Ange and I went to go see Transformers 2. It was pretty damn awesome, let me tell you. I was surprised they mentioned Obama and swine flu, but that just made it cooler because most movies don't include current events.

After I got home, I watched Eagle Eye, so I think I got my daily dose of Shia LaPoof.

And today / yesterday / July 12th was the tenth Sunday. I swear, the guy at the pretzel place might as well just go ahead and ring up a small soft drink as soon as he sees us. It's usually the same guy everytime, so you'd think he'd know what we order by now. (I need to learn how to push the ice dispenser thing DOWN instead of up or in. I still screw up. It's been ten weeks. What the hell.)

It'd be nice if I could figure out how to talk. I don't mind being quiet because I just like to be there with Levi, but I know he likes conversation. I realized it isn't because I'm nervous, it's because I just don't have anything to say. I ran out of words a long time ago. :P But I'm working on it.


Levi said...

I don't mind being quiet either. I'm just afraid I'm going to bore you or something, so I feel the need to talk. x.x

Rhio said...

You aren't going to bore me. x.x

Dibsy said...

Eagle Eye was nice :)