
Hey there, Delilah, what's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away, but girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes, you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
["Hey There, Delilah" - Plain White Tees]

List ten songs you remind you of one (or different) person(s). No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good - it simply must be a song that reminds you of a particular person. It could be the song you heard when you met, or maybe the lyrics just apply to the person(s). Anything goes! The only catch is that you cannot name the person(s); it has to be anonymous!

I totally stole this from Heather. I just felt like doing something different for a change. I'm in a better mood than I was earlier, anyway. :o

I. "Dirty Little Secret" by All-American Rejects

I can still recall sixth grade, when you and Laurel would sing that. I don't really like the memory, because I'd usually be sort of shunned whenever I sang it, even though I'd liked the song for quite a while and it was on the mixed CD I let you guys listen to at break, but it still reminds me of you. In a good way, of course.

II. "Afterlife" by Avenged Sevenfold

While the lyrics have nothing to do with you and me, it's still the first song you got me to listen to by A7x, and one of the few that I like by them. Everytime I hear it I think of you saying "You should listen to Afterlife. In my opinion, it's a better I-hate-you-but-I-love-you song than I Hate Everything About You. They're both still good, though."

III. "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance

One of the good memories I have about you. When I hear it, I think of standing in your room, sort of awkwardly, while getting ready to go out with you to the movies. I remember hearing the song and liking it and wondering who it was by, but being too afraid to ask because I'd sound stupid. "Party Like a Rockstar", "Soulja Boi Tell'Em", and "Hey There, Delilah" also remind me of that night; the first two played in the car on the way there, and the last was on the radio sitting on your counter when we got back. I smiled when I heard it. Oh, and Transformers, because that was the movie we were going to see.

Although, now, anything by MCR reminds me of Levi. xD

IV. "Last Resort" by Papa Roach

Oh, man. Marianna Caverns. While it may have been in Florida, it was still fun. One of the only times I went down there willingly. This song reminds me of you in particular because you were such a dork and put your iPod next to my ear singing the song, and I just looked at you and laughed and said, "You are so lame." I remember that because Angela and Laurel and Austin were there, before everything went fucked. It was a nice day.

V. "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot

I. Want. To. Bang. My. Head. On. My. Desk. When. I. Hear. This. Song. UGH. "Slipknot this, Slipknot that, skateboarding, Slipknot, razors, Slipknot, more skateboarding, SlipknotSlipknotSlipknot." I don't care about Slipknot and skateboarding. It's nice that those are your interests, but try shutting up for once and letting the other person talk to you instead of trying to shove what you like down their throat.

VI. "Sorry" by Buckcherry

This only reminds me of you because you'd giggle and squeal and go on about how this was your and your now-ex's song. I listened to you talk about how much you loved him, and I comforted you while you cried after he broke up with you by texting. I let you complain about how your parents just didn't "get" what you guys had, and I laughed with you when you finally got over him and he was trying to IM you to have you back. Now, that that's all said and done, I run into you at the mall and some of the first words out of your mouth are "Corey's here, we're trying to hide from him." I sort of stared at you, both because I was confused as to why you still had anything to do with him, and because it took me a second to remember you were talking about your ex, and not Cory as in Cory. And then I realized that you just have nothing better to do than get yourself caught back up in drama. Your current Myspace status proves that.

VII. "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

I don't really need to say much more. I know that if you were actually reading this, you'd know exactly why. We'd sing this at lunch - in the library - in the hallway - at PE. I'd laugh, because you always say "Thriller" so goofy. I remember how you and Cody would start singing "I'm Sorry, Mrs. Jackon". Although, I think you changed the lyrics. I don't remember. I know you texted me one night while I was walking to my room and you were like "omg let's start a remix band and name it SPONGEBOB REMIXPANTS!!!" and I was like "LOL dude, why?"

VIII. "Riot" by Three Days Grace

I've already mentioned you, but this reminds me of the night you brought that CD over and we listened to that and to Blue October and to Avril Lavigne (FYI you still have my copy of The Best Damn Thing, but I get the feeling I'm never getting it back). I don't remember much about that night, except you confessing a secret to me while we sat on the floor in silence. I kept that secret. I still do, no matter how much I hate you.

IX. "Innocence" by Avril Lavigne

Hearing this reminds me of the Fourth of July party, 2007. You've always stood up for me, and I think I took that for granted. I'm sorry. I simply wouldn't be the same if I'd never met you. I might still be innocent and shy and scared. I think you moving to Dothan was one of the best things that could have happened to me.

X. "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls

Need I say more?


Dibsy said...

-goes off to steal this-

Levi said...


That was very interesting to read. :o

But I can't figure out which one is about me. [/sarcasm]

Rhio said...

I stole it from Heather, so go ahead. xD

@Levi Smartass. :P

Levi said...

Well consider your stolen thingy RE-STOLEN.

@Rhianne Who? Me? I think you have the wrong Levi. XD

Rhio said...

@Levi ORLY? You think so? :P

Levi said...

@Rhianne Yer really. I think so. :o

Rhio said...

@Levi I think you're lying. :o

Levi said...

@Rhianne Damn.

Rhio said...

@Levi Well, if you're going to be like that, then you win. :P

Levi said...

@Rhianne No, you win. :o

Rhio said...

@Levi I disagree. :o

Levi said...

@Rhianne I disagree with your disagreement.

And why aren't we using your chat box for this? O_o

Rhio said...

@Levi Well, then, I disagree with your disagreement of my disagreement.

Because we're lazy? :D? Or, I am, at least. xD We could move it to the c-Box.

Levi said...

@Rhianne I disagree with your disagreement of my disagreement of your disagreement.

And I don't really care. I just feel like I'm spamming your comments. :P

Rhio said...

@Levi I disagree with your disagreement of my disagreement of your disagreement of my disagreement.

I don't mind. :P If you think you'd feel more comfortable on the c-Box, though, we can move. :o

What I don't get is why we're still putting "@Levi / @Rhianne" when we're the only people talking. xD

Levi said...

@Rhianne I have no clue why we're still doing this either. XD

And you win this time. I can't keep up. What were we disagreeing about again? =P

And we can keep chatting here, I guess. :o

Rhio said...

@Levi I do believe we were disagreeing about whether I won or not. :P

My mom is probably going to shoot me if I don't take Doctor off of loop. xD I've had it playing for, like.. I have no clue how long. :o

Levi said...

@Rhianne So wait... you won the agrument about you losing? O_o

And I suggest changing the song then. :P

Levi said...

Apparently... I can't spell argument. XD

Rhio said...

@Levi I think so. o.o

.. Wait, does that mean that I win or that I lose? I'm confused. D:

Good idea. :P I don't want to end up with a bad case of shot-through-the-brain-several-times or beaten-to-death-with-a-lantern.

Levi said...

@Rhianne I have no idea. :l

And no, we wouldn't want that now, would we? XD

Rhio said...

@Levi No, we wouldn't. xD

But it's all good. :D I'm listening to Jimmy Eat World.

Levi said...

@Rhianne I am listening to... nothing. D:

Rhio said...

@Levi But music is LIFE, Levi. D: (Yes, I AM going to use that against you everytime you aren't listening to something. :P)

Levi said...

@Rhianne Oh hell then... I better find something to listen to. :o

Rhio said...

@Levi Yes, you should. :o

I just remembered a movie trailer we saw before Half-Blood Prince. It was for a musical, like, a seriously badass musical. And I remember it had a song that went "Be Italian.." and after the trailer was over, my sister leaned over and whispered to Amber, "I want to be Italian. D:"

I think the trailer was for Nine. Not 9, but Nine. There are two 5+4 named movies coming out this year. x.x

Levi said...

@Rhianne A badass musical, you say? Called Nine? I hasn't heard of it. :S

And now I'm listening to Frickin' A. @.@

Rhio said...

@Levi I do say. :o And I looked it up, and Fergie is starring in it, and she sang the song. It seems like it'll be pretty cool, but judging by the trailer, it'll probably be rated R. :l Huff. BUT. At least there's going to be a Sherlock Holmes movie coming out! :D With Robert Downey, Jr. Mhm.

(Fact: Sherlock Holmes was one of the inspirations for Dr. House in House, M.D. House is played by Hugh Laurie. Hugh Laurie, Johnny Depp, Nicolas Cage, and Robert Downey, Jr. are my favorite actors.)

Now I'm just rambling. xD

And I don't think I've ever heard that song. :o

Levi said...

@Rhianne Fergie? NUH-UH! :o I may have to look it up in a minute, you have me curious.

And Frickin' A is a band. :P Or... they used to be. D:

Rhio said...

@Levi You should be curious. :P I suggest watching the trailer. I never would have guessed that was Fergie, but after finding out that she was starring in it, I realized she sang it. I was right. xD

Oh. Okay. :o I feel stupid now. x.x

Levi said...

@Rhianne (We seriously have to stop doing that XD) Okay, I'll watch it after I stop listening to High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup. :o

Rhio said...

@Levi (We do. xD You first.) a;lskdjflakshdfjkas;dhfkj I LOVE THAT SONG. In fifth grade I would sing it all the time, but at that time I only knew the 'clean' version. Damn you, Radio Disney. D:

Levi said...

@Rhianne (You started it first, you stop first. =P) And I watched the trailer, and it does look cool. :o

And yeah, Radio Disney is evil.

I think I need to say "and" one more time. x.x

Rhio said...

@Levi (No. :P I refuse.) I know, right? :o I can't wait for it to come out. Only, like, 3-4 more months~

It is. D:

And then..? And then..? And then..?
Dude, Where's My Car? flashbacks, omg. x.x

Levi said...

Okay, Miss Stubborn Pants, you win. Again. You win about losing, and now you win this. Happy? XP

That. movie. effing. ROCKS. :o

Levi said...


Had to be said. Just had to be. XD

Rhio said...

Yes, I am appeased. :P

"I refuse to play your Chinese food mind games!" Mhm. Quite possibly among the best movies in the history of stoner flickdom. :o

Rhio said...

Ashton Kutcher and Sean William Scott win internets.

Levi said...

They do. :o

And now I'm listening to Good Charlotte. :D

Rhio said...

There's a sequel titled "Seriously Dude, Where's My Car?" that'll start filming next year. :o -started looking up the movie-

And I'm listening to Alanis Morrisette. :P

Levi said...


I'm searching it up. Nao. :o

Rhio said...

That was according to the DWMY? FAQ on IMDB. :o

Abbreviation overload. x.x

Levi said...

Oh, so it's not set in stone?

Poo. x.x

Rhio said...

I'm not sure. D:

I really hope they do make a sequel, but it'll suck if it's one of those sequels that has nothing to do with the first movie or if it just plain.. sucks. x.x Y'know? :/

Levi said...

Yeah, I know. :l

On a side note, I heard there was going to be a Jeepers Creepers 3 and a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street. :o

Rhio said...

I've never seen any of the Jeepers Creepers movies or the original Nightmare on Elm Street, actually. x.x


Rhio said...

OH. And we've officially surpassed the previous record for comments on here, which was 44. :o

Levi said...


My mom hates Freddy Krueger. And Chucky. It's actually quite funny. XD

But you have to watch Jeepers Creepers. :o

Rhio said...

Aw. I love Freddy and Chucky. :o I may not have seen Nightmare on Elm Street, but I've watched Freddy's Nightmares - the show - on Chiller and I've seen Child's Play and its sequel. I'm not TOTALLY horror movie-stupid. :P

Okay. :o I will. If it ever comes on TV. xD

Levi said...

Damn. I'm on SyFy's website (still hate the name change) and I looked under the schedule thinger, and I can't find any listings for Jeepers Creepers. :l

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

You guys are posting many comments. D: It makes my brain hirt.

And lawl, my confirmation word is scack. That sounds so nasty. xD

Levi said...

Scack? Ew it does sound nasty.

-feels immature-

Rhio said...

Damn. :/ And I know what you mean about the name. But I do like the new commercials for the channel. :o Maybe I can rent the movie while I'm in Florida. Although, my grandmother hates horror movies, so that idea may be out.

Rhio said...


For some reason, that reminds me of the Pendragon series. :o

Levi said...

Well darn. :l

Rhio said...

Hey, I'll watch it. :o


Levi said...

XD Yeah, okay.

Rhio said...

I'm being serious. xD

I'm listening to Owl City again. :o I love their style.

Levi said...

They have STYLE. @.@

What are some songs by them that you like? Maybe I'll check them out. :o

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

I went to eat and missed tons of conversation. :o

We should totally go on Yahoo or AIM or a C-Box to have a three-way.

Erm.... I mean, three-way conversation. : D

Tavo would get mad at me if I had a three-way that didn't involve him... Especially with my ex-wife. x.x

Rhianne, I'm going to accidentally convince Levi I'm a freak. @.@

Rhio said...

Hello Seattle, The Airway, and Rainbow Veins are probably my favorite songs by them. :o

Rhio said...

xD Just jump in, Lor. It's not like we'll be all "asjdflksj;flkj GTFO THIS IS OUR COMMENT PAGE".

Levi said...

Oh okay, Rhianne. I'll listen to those. :o

And Lor, I've met stranger people. XD

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

Yeah, but commenting takes too long. IMing is much faster. D: And I get to make moar dirty jokes. D':

And lul, these verification words get sillier and sillier. : D

Rhio said...

I blame Kimberli for addicting me to Rainbow Veins~

I was just informed I AM going to have to wear make-up no matter what next week.

Help me. D:

Rhio said...


I don't have to type a verification word.


Levi said...

Oh no. Make-up? Whatever will you do? How will you survive? :P

I get the most stupid verification words sometimes. x.x

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

I have to wear Dresses AND make-up for my Quince pictures. D: And I have to have my nails done and my hair done and blah. It sucks bolitas. :(

I still say we should get on a C-Box or IM. D:

Rhio said...

@Levi I don't know. D: Unfortunately, zombie Apocalypse guides don't apply in this situation. -sigh- And I can't draw any tips from comics about pregnant nuns.

I'm at a loss. ):

I usually don't comment anywhere except your blog and mine. x.x -is a bad blog follower-

@Lor Hey, at least that doesn't last for a week. D: I think.

I get the feeling I shouldn't ask what "bolitas" are?

I don't know. D: Should we?

Levi said...

Oh no, we're not starting that again, are we? I refuse to.

And those nuns are almost as naughty as those nurses. ;)

And should we ask what bolitas are or should we move to a c-box? :P

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

LAWL. Rhianne = 69h post. : D

And kjvbkjfdvkbj 69 gives me a memory... x.x'

That couch is too worn for its own good.


It's only for a day. x.x

Bad blog follower. D:< ~Newspaper smack~

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

Bolitas is a spanish word. :3 And maybe we should move to a c-box. Scrolling down is getting annoying. D: But whatever you guys wanna do. o3o

My confirmation word was stsec... It made me think of secks. x.x

Levi said...

I guess we can move to a c-box. :o

Rhio said...

@Levi You're right. Nurses ARE naughtier. :P

I suppose we move to the c-Box, then? :o

@Lor 69. :D

-smack'd- D:

Levi said...

To the c-box. :P

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

Whut c-box, though? xD

Rhianne, Myspace IM the link. D:

And wtf. Ver. word = frediast. xDDDD

Dibsy said...

Hrrrumph. I always miss out when there's a ton of comments. D: Oh vell, I haven't found a committed yet commenter. :(