
Tu as de la chance!

Next June, my French teacher is sponsoring a Dublin-London-Paris tour. She does a European trip with teenagers every year; I'm hoping I can go this year (and every year after that). Of course, if I do go, my sister will have to go, too. I doubt my dad can take off work for ten days, and my mother just can't go.

Speaking of my mother, she's all for me going to Ireland. All my life she's wanted me to see Ireland; but then, all her life she's wanted to see it, too - she's never been. Which is why I'd do anything just for her to be able to visit Trinity College and meet Mr. Anthony and his sons and see all those places she's read about.

Lor will possibly get to go with me, as well. If so it'll be the first time we've been able to see each other in person. Of course, since she lives in Florida, we'll need to figure out how to do that; but it seems extremely plausible. On Monday I'll ask Mrs. Sislo what she thinks about it.

Which reminds me, I have a French test on Monday. Oh, and we'll be singing Frer Jacques in class. I already know the song, since my mother would sing it when I was younger. Also, my name in French is Béatrice. I wanted Cécile, but Claudia chose it before I could.

On another note, I should probably learn sign language - especially since, at lunch, my group uses almost nothing but hand gestures. There are two hearing impaired girls who sit with us, and the partially deaf girl - Jenna - often explains some things to the (I think) mostly deaf girl, whose name I don't know, since she can't say it. She's really nice though, and so is Jenna. Spoken language is easier to learn than sign language, it seems. I've tried.

This upcoming Wednesday I'm going to the first Drama Club meeting. Even though I'm in Art until this semester ends - meaning I won't actually be in Drama until January - I'm still going to go ahead and join so that I don't miss anything. I'm sort of nervous and excited about joining; I don't want to look like a clueless dumbass or anything, but I'm still interested in it. At least Alyssa - my cousin - is vice-president, so she can sort of help me get adjusted.

I think that's about it for right now. If I have anything else to add, I'll make another post later today. (It's 3:30 PM and already looks like it's 7:00. I hate stormy weather.)

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