
It's people like you that make me want to throw up.

Last night was the Club Fair/parent involvement night at my high school. I went with my dad, and we sat through a pointless, boring-ass intro where the ninth grade coordinator just told us shit we already knew. After that I dragged my dad over to meet my honors world history teacher, who is unbelievably awesome. I was so happy because Mr. Mitchell told him that I join in discussions in class and add to the material, and it made my dad proud - he's been wanting me to speak up more, in class and out.

We also stopped by my art survey teacher; it's her last year at Dothan High, and she mentioned that while we were talking. She said it was students like me, that are talented, have a passion for and respect art, and don't give her trouble that have made it all worth it. That made me happy too.

As for the Club Fair part of it, I joined Art Club, Drama Club, French Club, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and HOPE (Help Our Planet's Environment) Club, and I'm filling out applications for Key Club, Junior Civitans, and Multicultural Club. This afternoon was the first Drama Club meeting; I had to ask Mr. Payne to skip this SADD meeting so I could go to it. Ms. C told us about a play going on at the Alabama Shakespeare Theater; I'm hoping to go.

Yesterday I found out that Amanda and Diekel are no longer in my PE class. It's disappointing; while I was sort of relieved (I'm not particularly comfortable around either of them) it's also irritating that I now don't have any chick friends in my half of the PE class, although there is that one chick who seems really nice. And, of course, there's Anthony, who is very much not a girl.

My mom went to a doctor's appointment yesterday, and was admitted to the hospital. She's alright - they're just doing respiratory therapy and all that. It's still sort of depressing, though. I'm up here with her now, with my sister and my aunt. We keep making trips to the in-building Subway; I love the Spicy Italian subs now.

Monday is Picture Day for underclassmen; it's also the first HOPE Club meeting. It seems like there was no real point in even starting to ride the bus, since I'm just going to have to get picked up pretty much every day anyway. Oh, and it's funny, because there's this girl named Sarah who is in almost every club that I'm in.

Speaking of eleventh graders, my cousin Jessica goes to school with me now. She went to Dothan High for ninth grade, when she decided she couldn't handle it, so she switched over to Ashford Academy for her sophomore year. I don't mind her being at the same school as me, it's just worrying me a little that our social circles might mix.

Annnd speaking of social circles, my lunch-mates are Analisa, Shawonda, Shaquille, Tiff, and Andre. Amanda and Diekel used to sit with us, but when they changed their schedules, they went to a different lunch period. Jenna sits with us sometimes, but normally she sits with her boyfriend. I feel a little like I'm too nice to Shawonda; she always asks me to get her water or throw away her plate or to give her gum, things she is perfectly capable of doing herself (I'd say that since she's deaf, it makes sense that she asks me to get her water, since she couldn't ask for it herself, but when I get to lunch she's already got a plate, so no.)

My mom may have to go on oxygen for the rest of her life. Would it prolong her life? Yes. I hate that it's gotten to this point, though. And we might have to move. We'd stay in Dothan, of course.. but we'd move into an apartment or something. Which is alright with me until I start thinking about it more. I've lived in this house my whole life. We'd lose all our dogs. I've never moved into a different house/building/whatever before. I'd have to deal with actual neighbors and not just Lee and Matt and Taylor. We'd have to decide what school zone to move to - stay in the Dothan High zone, since I already have my schedule and I've already committed to so many clubs, or move to the Northview zone, where I've wanted to go to school for the past 3-4 years, and where all of my friends are? Where everything is?

Levi told me I'd figure everything out, because I'm Rhianne. But even now, thinking about all that shit I've still yet to figure out, some things that I wouldn't even mention here or to anybody else, I'm not sure how right he is.

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