
Two weeks away, it feels like the whole world should've changed.

But I'm home now
And things still look the same
I think I'll leave it till tomorrow to unpack
Try to forget for one more night
That I'm back in my flat on the road
Where the cars never stop going through the night
To a life where I can't watch the sunset
I don't have time
I don't have time
["Sand in My Shoes" - Dido]

Heather moved today.

It's just weird now.

Like.. empty.

I'm not used to her not being here.

You know, everything's the same but it's all changing. Does that make any sense? I mean.. it's hard to explain. Now I'm confusing myself. It's like when I came back from Florida, I came back to the same-old same-old, except the same-old same-old is now different, but it's still the same-old same-old.

Getting me now? Probably not.

Lauren's made it her mission to give me a make-over this year. I don't know how to politely refuse. I wish she'd stop trying to change me. I don't want to wear skirts and put on mascara and lipgloss. It's just not me, and the fact that she keeps trying to get me to dress girly just makes me insecure.

Um.. I don't really know what else happened at school. My computer class is convinced I cheat when I type, because I had 85 WPM while most of them had something around 30 or 40. And Deja and I partnered up in Math.

I feel alone at school.


Levi said...

It's the same... but it's different.

I hate it when I say things like that, because that's the only way I know how to describe it sometimes. So I know exactly what you mean. Sorta. XD

And ooh, one time I hit 105 WPM. No lie. But that's not my average. Far from it. That's just me on a really, really, really, really, REALLY good day. =D

I really don't know what my average is. Probably somewhere between 40-60. I'm never in a hurry when I type. Unless I only have a few minutes on the computer. :o

Rhio said...

I'm not neccessarily in a hurry, just.. I naturally type fast. :o But I tend to pause to think. And I usually erase what I type and start over a lot. I hate typing in class 'cause I have to type what they tell me to. It's easier to type from my mind. -nod-