
I'm such a bitch sometimes. I saw that Skylar moved to Destin and I was like "YESSS OH THANK GOD." x.x I seriously need to settle my issues with kids at school. I think my only real friends are Angela, Mark, Lauren, Helen, Cody Chang (yes, Angela, I DID just say Cody Chang), Tamir, Beza, and.. yeah. I think that's pretty much it at Carver. Except maybe those three sixth-going-on-seventh graders I occasionally hang out with, Jessica, Ben, and Margaret. I already know that seventh graders and eighth graders don't get many chances to hang out, though. But it was sort of funny when I walked over to Margaret's older brother, Ellis, and was like "HEY, CAN I HAVE A HIGH-FIVE? :D" and he was like "SURE. :D" Margaret was laughing her head off.

Yeah, carpool is retarded. It usually involves "Dude, Where's My Car?" jokes. :D When I first started randomly talking to Jessica, she said "Oh, yeah, you're that girl who kept saying 'Dude, where's my car?'" and I was like "Yeah, dude, seriously, man, I couldn't find my car. It's flipping yellow, I'd think I could find it." and she was like "And apparently you're also the girl who yells out 'BANANA CAR!' when the yellow car drives up."

I'm not going to bother talking to any of the "glamor emos" this year. Well, except maybe to LOL at the fact that they call themselves "glamor emos". I mean, wtf? Seriously, wtf Austin? Did the glitter kill your braincells? Who the hell even thinks up shit like that? xD

I just realized I'm more upset about the removal of SET and Chess at Carver than about the uniforms. Really, though, maybe I'll have to go out and buy chess sets and SET cards and drag all of my friends (except Angela, who I don't think likes my nerdy friends and who has already expressed her refusal to play chess or SET) into the library to play during break or something.

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