
Take me down to Paradise City --

-- Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. xD

Angie made a blog! 8D http://randomyetattainable.blogspot.com/

Anyone got any ideas for a new layout for my own blog? It's, like, completely boring. I've had it since June / July.

So~~ Yesterday I checked out, courtesy of my mom. It was right smack dab in the middle of Social Studies. 8D Thankgawd. It wasn't that bad of a day - P.E. was pretty fun.
Caroline : "Do you want me to--"
Rhianne : "-popsup- Yes I want you. ;D -obviouslyjoking-"
Caroline : ". . . . -inchaway-"

Dude, though, at P.E. on Thursday they put line 6 and line 10 together, and Syd was at Science Olympiad so Brandon was, like, the only person in my group who I was actually friends with, so of course I hung out with him instead of the airheads, and then naturally, everyone started saying we were going out. I think that Christina was the one who started it up on her side of the court. One of the main reasons I was hanging out with him, though, was because I never get to hang out with him without everyone else giggling and hugging all over him (which, you may notice, I did not do when I was the only one around him - okay, a little giggling, but I do that to everyone).

Lulz. I just glanced at one of my dad's geneaology things, and it said that we're descended from some guy named Pleasant Williamson.

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