
I'm a Bitch, I'm a Lover


After downing two Ensures, having a heart-to-heart with my mom, and eating up memory with doodles done on my tablet, I've decided to lay back and blog. Since I've been getting into crafts and stuff, I'mma try to post some of the things I make.

... Dude. I forgot to get my friends Christmas presents. [/badfriend]

Obviously, I managed to (barely) survive the last three months of 2008; in October, I had a crush on Wyatt J., and naturally my ego took a blow when he told me he liked Heather (although he had no clue I liked him, and unless he clicks on this he will never know; on the off-chance he /does/ click on this: Surprise, Batman-Buddy!). Before I even found that out, though, I quickly came to realize that I was one of few who were not invited to the Halloween bash that Caroline and Keeley were throwing. lol--whut? It was only due to Angela's best friendosity that I had /any/ Halloween plans at all. She, donned in a black houndstooth fedora and pink sunglasses, dragged my Harajuku-clad self to Cooper's party (where I ended up briefly sharing my big comfy chair with zombie Miguel; lolwhut). The day of the Fall Dance (damn, my blog-timeline is screwed up - the dance was /way/ before Halloween), I came to school dressed like a cut-out from Seventeen magazine right when Break began (which was about ten minutes or so before the Dance). At first, all I did was run around hugging my friends, but eventually I settled down and sat on The Bench next to Austin - where he told me that he and Christina were going to the dance together. lol--whut? That quickly ruined my mood. I'm sure he saw my smile falter. At the badly-decorated dance, I got jiggy with it like no self-respecting white girl should. Naturally, I drew many "wtf" stares and I ended up being caught on camera (lol). Like I gave a shit - I wanted to dance my thoughts away. That didn't work out so well after I danced with Austin and was pulled to the side by Skylar Calloway, only to be told that Christina didn't "appreciate me getting all up on him" and that I should just "stay away from him". I didn't feel like starting trouble at the moment (especially since my mom was there), so I veered away and just started dancing on the sidelines. I'm pretty sure my friends were embarrassed by me. Eventually, I got braver and started dancing with our group again, but for the rest of the dance (I checked out promptly after) I was pretty upset, although I'm not sure if anyone could tell. The dance was the last day of school, I believe; I ended the first nine weeks with As in two subjects, Bs in three, a C in Biology and a D in English. I was put on Academic Probation.

In November, I ended up dating this guy -Mitch. Curly blonde hair, bright blue eyes, glasses, an awkward grin and a grey DC jacket with makeshift thumbholes in the sleeves were his trademark features. He loved Twilight, Slip Knot, and skateboarding. After a while, I came to realize that we - me kicking it old school with Harry Potter, Green Day, and sketchbooks galore - really had nothing in common and that he was suffocating me with his neverending puppy love. I think that Angela summed up our brief relationship best when she remarked "Ha, you looked so awkward," after seeing me wince and give a toothache-smile when he hugged me in the hallway one day. I can't help but notice that the only guys who ever like me are the ones who go a tad overboard with it. It's impossible for me to get a guy who's... mellow. During all of this, I was pretty much avoiding Austin, but after Mitch and I kind of... drifted apart, I decided to win Aussie back - at least as a friend. We had a snappy conversation over Myspace, and I raised a few points, but I think I accidentally hit a nerve when I mentioned Christina - unknown to me, the two had broken up. Way to go, Rhianne. Afterwards, I apologized (which, naturally, he made a joke of, if only to look macho in front of the guys who were around) and everything kind of... went back to normal.

Then December rolled around. A sleepy month at first, with the only excitement being the rush to raise grades and be rid of the Probation. One day at P.E., I explored videography through recording our friends goofing off (Gym: Starring Angela B., Sydnee W., Christina M., Helen D., Braxton N., and Brandon K.; Directed by Rhianne Williamson) with my cell, and although that went well, and spawned a few new jokes, one day I was caught taking a photo of Wyatt on the the Gym floor (the photo was safe!). It got taken up (damn you Coaches) and I got a referral. What the hell. Thankfully, Heather and Colt (my sister and her boyfriend) got it back for me. BUT. Before it got taken up, I managed to record Lynette and her crew being total bitches to my friends and me. I'm proud of myself. <3

At the same time, I was still working to improve my friendship with Austin (even though we'll always be on rocky ground and even though he doesn't really seem to care either way) and all seemed well until one day I went to hug him and he was like "Not right now - later, 'kay?" and had a fear-of-God expression. I noticed Kacey standing nearby, although her back was to us, and I was like "...?" I walked over to Helen, and I was like "What the hell?" and she was like "Austin and Kacey go out. oO;" and I was like "wut." and she was like "... They go out." and I was like "wut." and that was literally all I said for at least a full 60-90 seconds. Actually, I think that was on the last day of school. Yeah; yeah, it was. I bitterly stomped off to homeroom and glared at my candy cane (courtesy of the awesomeness that is Ashley~~) in upset throughout the entire 'A Christmas Carol' movie. I have Scrooge pouring out my ears, I've heard that story so many damned times. Then came Break, during which I simply sat and attempted to cheer Wyatt (who failed English twice and was removed from Carver) up, and then moved over next to Austin. I don't remember what we talked about, but he moved to converse with a livelier crew and I moved to attempt to converse, but I failed epically and just sat there as a decoration. Tech Lab was decent, I guess; I sat in my own little corner, listening to Green Day, but then came P.E.. The Tech Lab class after us, instead of going to Tech Lab, was given Double P.E.. I nearly died out of irony. Austin ended up having his second Gym class with us. loldudewhut. OHDUDE. I just remembered. On the way to Break, I paused in the hallway to talk to Austin, and I was like "Okay, I give, what's the joke?" and he was like "What?" and I explained, but it was drowned out by the noise then I stomped past him - ignoring his attempts to get me to turn around and talk to him, although I couldn't help but smile because it showed he actually valued our friendship at least somewhat - and I didn't actually talk to him at all during Break. So disregard earlier recounts of doing so; I lied. ANYWHO. At P.E. I... sat around, I guess. Austin tried to get me to tell him what I was going to say. Mid-way through the class period, I asked him for a hug and he actually hugged me - which was a surprise - and then I resumed sitting around like a limp cloth. During fifth period and lunch I was depressive, and then even more so while we went on our "adventure" through the bandroom. I have to say, though - I noticed Keeley crying at lunch. That wouldn't be so important to me, but she and I have never gotten along like we could - like we should - and I just felt like our mutual friendship with Wyatt and the fact that we were both upset about his leaving pulled us together somewhat. I don't know if she feels the same way, but oh well. After we went on our last real bandroom adventure, I sat next to Patrick (random sixth grade guy that Heather and Brandon terrorize) and Brandon-bear and chatted idly. Wyatt and Heather, who had gone on a detour alone, walked out to carpool, and I called out a goodbye to Wyatt. He waved half-heartedly, and when I got in my car I burst out crying, not only because of my emotions through the day but I cried for my Batman Buddy and I cried for my first half of seventh grade. Christmas wasn't that great; I mean, I guess it was. I got bedding I'd been wanting from Target, and I got clothes and make-up and girl stuff. I got a tablet (whoot x3), though. =D On New Year's Eve, Austin called me from Braxton's party. I was like "whut". We basically played a form of phone tag for a while, I guess. It was odd.

Tomorrow is my first day back to school in 2009.

I'm dreading it.

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