
"It's like a mind grenade!"

Lulz, Angie and I went to go see Yes Man like an hour after we were on the See-Bawks. She was like "Hey whatcha doin' today?" and I was like "Nothin'." and she was like "Wanna go see a movie?" and I was like "Sure." Lulz, I was like running around trying to get ready. We decided to go to the movie at 3:11 PM, and then I called my parents, who told me I'd have to get a bath, wash my clothes (both a total duh) AND get something "accomplished", so I leisurely got my clothes in the wash and loaded the dishwasher and then, like, at four Angie texted me: "It starts at 5:00."

We live all the way on the other side of Dothan - thirty minutes away from Carmike Theatres. I was already halfway in the shower (lulz I was nekkid) so I was like "ohsnap." I hurried and got my hair washed but then I had to dry / style it and I ended up coating it with hair spray and then messing it up with a towel and THEN drying it, and it was still only barely dry. Then I pulled half of it up in a lazy ponytail. THEN I went to go get my clothes in the dryer and by the time we HAD to go to get there on time, my jeans and jacket were soaking wet, so I had to wear my slightly damp tank tops with the jeans I had on - which had mustard stains from that morning's burger wrestle. SO. I used one of my mom's shirts to wipe the stains off - which I achieved, although I was left with a huge wet spot on my jeans. LOVELY. Guess what I did to cure THAT?

I took a hairdryer to it. Booyah.

'Cor, it didn't thoroughly dry it at all. I soon realized that HEY. WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE. So, I ran to go get on make-up, perfume, deodorant, shoes, and a jacket (winter + tank tops = no). I ended up being stuck with my sister's deodorant, my sugar cookie perfume, my Mary-Jane wannabes, and my mom's smoking coat. Yes, I said smoking coat. It's the coat she usually wears when she smokes. I had no time to put on make-up.

Overall? I looked like no.

Lulz. The guy who played Hyde from That 70's Show was in the movie. And he had a burrrrrito.

OHDUDE. We ran into Mrs. CAVELL. She was all "Hey girlies. 8D Are you here to see Twilight?" and I was like "-doubletake- ohmaigawshmrs.cavell. Erm, no. We're, like, the only two girls at school who HATE Twilight. x.x" and Angela was like "Um. Hi. Yeah." and Mrs. Cavell was like "Good. x) I tried to read it but it bored me." then she introduced us to her husband.

Oh. And Jim Carrey. 'Nuffsaid.

. . . . YESPLZ.

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