
She is like a cat in the dark

and then she is the darkness
["Rhiannon" - Fleetwood Mac]

I feel sort of pompous for even posting those lyrics. :l If you want to listen to the actual song, try here. You'll have to sign up to Imeem, though, to hear it, but it's free. I like Imeem. It's for us dorks who want to listen to music but don't want to buy iPods. I was also named after "Amanda" by Boston, if you want to look it up. Both are love songs. o.o

Oh. Yeah. I'm thirteen now, by the way.

Pretty much anyone who reads my blog knows that yesterday was my birthday (it also happened to be Kate Gosselin's and LiveJournal's birthdays - I got to watch Kate have a surprise party on TV). I had a good day. I lazed around in the morning and then I went to the mall with Angela (where I got an oversized Panic! at the Disco shirt and a pink leopard print scarf, because I am addicted to prints) for three hours. We ran into Caleb Beilstein, so naturally I ran up and hugged him because he's moving this summer. I then found out that he was waiting for his girlfriend. This is the second time I have hugged a guy friend who had left Carver and who ended up being on a date. I fail. Epicallllly. Angela and I saw him again later, holding hands with Kendall (see: Second Sunday) and we also saw Ike, who was holding hands with Katie Tracey (see: Third Sunday). Oh, yeah, and we saw Mrs. Mitchell and her daughter.

After I got home from the mall, I hung out with my sister and parents at home. My mom had pointed out that if I were to go out again with a friend that night then I wouldn't be able to hang out with Levi Thursday because I wouldn't have enough money, so I chose to eat pizza, watch TV, and surf the Net. :D None of my other friends would have gone out, anyway, if I'd asked them.

If you're wondering what I got yesterday, I got texts, mostly saying "happy birthday!!!!! lolz luv u xoxo" or something of that nature. Angela kept offering to pay for food or other objects at the mall, but I refused. I don't really like friends paying for me or giving me money, unless it's, like, fifty cents that I can just repay them the next day. Other than that, my grandmother sent me a fifty dollar check the other day, half of which I blew yesterday (but that WILL be reimbursed because my sister still owes me twenty that I loaned her out of my Christmas money and then a five dollar bill that I loaned her yesterday for gas), and Levi made a mixed CD because he is the most awesome guy ever (Angela, you are the most awesome girl :D?).

Nicoooole. Chlooooe. You guys need to answer the questions~ D: And no, I feel no guilt about nagging you two since we do the questions thing all the time and you guys are my interweb-buddies.

I like comment games, so EVERYBODY. If you comment, state why you were named what you were named. :D ... if you want.

I forgot to add that my grandmother sent the check in a Jonas Brothers card. It can turn into a poster. The kicker? She wrote "I hope you are a fan" in it. The same thing happened on Christmas on the same side of the family; my aunt asked me if I liked Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus, to which I responded "Er... no." and then - naturally - my gift from her was a two-CD thing. It's the thought that counts, but I find it sort of funny. :P


Cole Train said...


I committed suicide: I would be like, "OMGWTFBBQ."
I said I liked you: I would hope you were just saying as a friend and not in the lesbo way.
I kissed you: UHM. That would be WRONG. xD I would freak out.
I lived next door to you: I would think that's totally awesome because I don't like any of my neighbors. They all fail/
I started smoking: I'd.. well, I can't do much over the interwebs, but I'd do what I can to get you to stop because you don't need to be doing that.
I stole something: I would... tell you to take it back? Like I said above, I can't really do much over the internet. xD
I was hospitalized: I couldn't visit you, but I'd send you ridiculous comments and stuff that are so retarded they're funny. Well, maybe funny. I don't know if they'd be funny to you. /end rambling
I ran away from home: I'd see if you'd wanna come hang out with me for awhile. 8D But Ohio is kind of far away.
I got into a fight and you weren't there: I would hope you kicked that persons ass. :D

Personality: I like it. You're not fake.
Eyes: They're the same color as mine. :o
Hair: Looks better than mine.
Family: I dunno your famzz.

Be my friend?: A'yup.
Keep a secret if I told you one?: A'yup.
Hold my hand?: No.. probably not. xD
Take a bullet for me?: I don't think that's possible through the interwebs.
Keep in touch?: A'yup.
Try and solve my problems?: I could try and help.
Love me?: Not in a lesbo way. xD
Date me?: No, that would be.. wrong and I would be a pedophile.

Lied to make me feel better?: Dun think so.
Wanted to kiss me?: No. O.O
Wanted to kill me?: No again. O.O
Broke my heart?: No.
Kept something important from me?: No?
Thought I was unbearably annoying?: Nope.

1. Who are you?: A person from planet Sarcasm. 8D Aka Cole Train, aka Nicole.
2. Are we friends?: Interweb friends.
3. When and how did we meet?: THE FORGOTTEN FOREST. 8D
6. Describe me in one word.: Unique.
7. What was your first impression?: Well, you had me impressed because you were ten at the time and you were a lot more mature than other ten year olds.
8. Do you still think that way about me now?: Yus... you're just not ten anymore. xD
9. What reminds you of me?: Books and stuff. And TWILIGHT because I know you hate it.
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?: Hrm.. a teleporter. :D
11. How well do you know me?: Not as well as some people.
12. When's the last time you saw me?: I've never seen you, though there was that one time I thought I saw you at the college I was going to. xD
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Nope.
14. Are you gonna paste this to your blog to see what I say about you?: Prolly not. I'm LAZY.

Angela said...

I was almost named Rose!

Sophmore Slump said...


I committed suicide: GASP
I said I liked you: AS A FRIEND!?
I kissed you: i would lol and be grossed out
I lived next door to you: I would egg your house
I started smoking: I'd educate you with my knowlage of smokeing
I stole something: Face palm
I was hospitalized: Be worried :c
I got into a fight and you weren't there: idk the same as nicole said lol

Personality: You don't take shit lol
Hair: grows on your head c:
Family: You have a lot of dogs

Be my friend?: no....JK
Keep a secret if I told you one?: I'd try xD
Hold my hand?: Ghost cooties :c
Take a bullet for me?: If I had a bullet proof vest
Keep in touch?: WHAT IS THIS?
Try and solve my problems?: Sure
Love me?: As a friend?
Date me?: D: no

Lied to make me feel better?:
Wanted to kiss me?: LOL no xD
Wanted to kill me?: No D:
Broke my heart?: Naaah
Kept something important from me?: IDK
Thought I was unbearably annoying?: yes c:

1. Who are you?:
2. Are we friends?: sure?
3. When and how did we meet?: TFF
6. Describe me in one word.: IDK
7. What was your first impression?: HEY SOMEONE TO ROLEPLAY WITH HI
8. Do you still think that way about me now?: mhm HINT HINT
9. What reminds you of me?: stuff LOL BLUE OCTOBER
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?: A hamburger phone
11. How well do you know me?: okay ish?
12. When's the last time you saw me?: I've never seen you D:
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Nope.
14. Are you gonna paste this to your blog to see what I say about you?: Naaah lol

Lexi said...

Happy birthday!

I was named after my grandmother. pretty boring! heh.

Levi said...

I think I've already told you why I was named Levi, haven't I?

Anyways, the questions!

I committed suicide: I wouldn't let you. Simple as that.
I said I liked you: Things take time. That's all I'm saying on that.
I kissed you: Freak out, naturally.
I lived next door to you: I'd probably end up hanging out with you so much that you'd get sick of me.
I started smoking: I'd kill you. Then bring you back to life and end your habit. You can smoke when you're older. Not now.
I stole something: Depends on what you stole. And if you got something for me. XD
I was hospitalized: For what? Mental illness? Then I'd be in there with ya. =P
I ran away from home: I'd either A) go with or B) drag your ass home.
I got into a fight and you weren't there: Then I'd want pictures and/or video of said fight.

Personality: I love it.
Eyes: I'm jealous of them. They're brown. They're normal. My green eyes make me feel different.
Hair: You don't give it enough credit.
Family: I hardly know them. =/

Be my friend? Aren't I already?
Keep a secret if I told you one? Of course.
Hold my hand? As long as it wouldn't make the moment awkward.
Take a bullet for me? I'd take a bullet for each and every one of my friends, especially you. =P
Keep in touch? Duh.
Try and solve my problems? You wouldn't even have to ask me to.
Love me? It depends.
Date me? Only after you fully knew everything about me. (Funny, don't most people date to get to know more about each other? I don't want to date someone unless they already know me.)

Lied to make me feel better? If I have, it was only a teensy lie.
Wanted to kiss me? Yes? Maybe?
Wanted to kill me? NO.
Broke my heart? Not that I know of. I hope I haven't. =/
Kept something important from me? I've told you before I'm keeping something important from you. That still hasn't changed.
Thought I was unbearably annoying? NO! You're perfect. =D

1. Who are you? I am whoever I choose to be.
2. Are we friends? DUH.
3. When and how did we meet? The chess/set tournament of... '08, was it?
6. Describe me in one word. You. I don't like labels. Describing someone in one word is impossible. So I think "you" best fits.
7. What was your first impression? I thought you were friendly.
8. Do you still think that way about me now? Yes.
9. What reminds you of me? Charlie the Unicorn.
10. If you could give me anything what would it be? The happiest day of your life?
11. How well do you know me? I'd say pretty well. I guess.
12. When's the last time you saw me? Sunday?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? No. I've wanted to tell you something but wouldn't before though.
14. Are you gonna paste this to your blog to see what I say about you? I wouldn't do that to you. =P

And ta-da. I hate my honesty sometimes. It gets me into trouble too much.

Rhio said...

@Nicole/Chloe: xD True, most of that IS hard to do over an Internet connection.

@Angela: I was nearly a Savannah or a Jessica! D: I'd rather be Amanda than either of those anyday. (Despite The Amanda Show jokes.... :\)

@Lexi: Thanks. :) One of my best friends when I was younger had your name.

@Levi: I think you have. No worries about smoking; that is at the top of my list of things not to do. I've seen its effects. :l You probably hear this all the time, but I like your eyes, which is pretty unusual because I usually don't like light-colored eyes. I wouldn't mind answering the questions if you reposted them, actually. :P I appreciate your honesty; I don't know very many people who are that honest.