
Tell me what you wanna know

oh come on, oh come on, oh come on
There ain't no motive for this crime
Jenny was a friend of mine
["Jenny Was a Friend of Mine" - The Killers]

I went MIA for about three days because my dad forgot to pay the Interwebs bill. It's all good, though, now. :D I checked some of my more frequented websites - including this one - through my phone-net, but I couldn't post anything but comments.

On Wednesday night, I happened to text Levi while Trevor was over. I ended up being - as Levi refers to it - 'virtually stalked'. To be honest, it was funny and I didn't really mind, except for the fact that Levi was being beaten up. Not funny. Trevor still stalks me over Myspace and my cellphone. xD

Thursday through Saturday, I did nothing. At all. Our store closed Thursday, though. Oh, and I called Mark-from-Chess-class on Saturday. I don't know why, I guess it was because he called me on Monday of the same week and I never returned it and I felt guilty and... yeah. :l Plus, he's stuck by me since the end of sixth grade but I've always sort of blown him off and I need to break away from the group I hung out with during seventh grade. I need to talk to my real friends (yes, that does include you guys - I'm talking about the ones who I didn't really realize were so awesome until I realized that my other friends were not so awesome, y'know what I'm saying?). Anywho, when I called him I mentioned that I'd be at the mall today and I'd stop by to say hi (he works at Bourbon Street Candy).

He sort of misunderstood and thought I meant that I'd get him to go hang out. I feel like a jerk because I didn't make it clearer, so it sort of ended up awkward for all three of us at first. It was fun, though, more so after we sat down on the couches. I was nearly falling asleep.

And I need plans this week. Seriously. I am not kidding. I will nail my head to a wall if I don't hang out with someone this week. SERIOUSLY.


why so serious? ;D

1 comment:

Levi said...

Ugh. I NEVER want to be locked in my closet again. If I have to be locked in a closet at any point in my life again, I hope it's a walk-in closet and there's lot of room. Maybe even a lil mini fridge and a small TV? That would be very nice.

I apologize for your "virtual stalkage" again. Trevor's an idiot. A good friend, but an idiot. XD

It wasn't too awkward at the mall. Then again... I pretty much live in awkwardness, so I've gotten mostly immune to it.

I'd love to do something with you towards the end of the week. But today I have to, have to, have to get those books for my reading assignment. And my mom wants to go shopping with me afterwards. Woo?

My mom's actually kinda cool, though. It's my dad that manages to get under my skin.

So I'll be doing that today, and tomorrow I don't think I'm doing anything, but I really want a day to myself. I need it. Bad. So I think tomorrow I'm just going to vanish off the face of the earth by turning off my phone. I'll probably end up sitting in my living room and watching movies all day. I love doing that.

Okay. I think this comment is long enough now. Cya!