
DAY 9: The South

.. is a beautiful thing.

And I love movies like Fried Green Tomatoes, The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, and The Secret Life of Bees that remind me of that. Unfortunately, while reflecting on what exactly defines a southern girl, I realized that even the most expert lexicographer (Google it; play Pac-Man while you're at it) would have a problem answering that.

See, when I think of the (typical) south today, I can't help but to picture overly-obnoxious cheerleader girls wearing Auburn face-paint and carrying around silly polka-dot purses from their nearest "bow-teeque." And this seriously conflicts with the mental picture of a strong, fiery steel magnolia reigning from the Bible Belt, facing adversity without a fear in the world.

I can't help but be frustrated by how that ideal has become outdated. I would never hesitate to say that my mother is undeniably a southern belle. She's taught me every damned thing I know. But the girls of today? They make me sad.

On another note, today was my last Friday as a middle-schooler, and I spent it here, at home. Yesterday, I had double gym, so I spent sixth period with the Kids. Actually, we, the girls, were separated and sat outside on the bleachers, while the guys stayed inside and played basketball (or tetherball). So naturally we snuck inside when nobody was looking (the computer teacher saw, but she didn't care; she was hoola-hooping), but we did eventually get caught.. ten minutes before the bell rang.

While we were in there, this guy I never talk to (I'll call him Violet, because his hair looks purple) who my elementary school best friend was leaning on (I shall call her Had) happened to remember my name, and then told me, "Your yearbook picture was really nice. Everybody else's was.. but yours looked good." Had agreed. It made my day.

Speaking of yearbooks, we got ours Wednesday.. they're horrible. They really are. I can't even believe the Yearbook Staff didn't put more effort into it. All of them are eighth graders, so you'd think they'd give a damn about their last yearbook. And the paper they used for the inside front/back pages? Silver. Fucking silver. All the signatures faded. It was like using disappearing ink. I'm seriously disappointed with the end of this year.. I thought there'd be more fanfare than this.

I completely forgot Tuesday. Sorry. I didn't go to school Monday, and I was completely siked for Wednesday due to the yearbooks, so it just sort of blended in.

Tomorrow night I'm going to Sugar's party, but that's not her name. I just like the idea of codenames. I'm dragging Jonesy with me, too. Christ. I haven't seen him in over half a year, but he's pretty much my brother in every sense.

Next week is our last week of school. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, get out at 1 PM. And then I shall relax for a few days, because I hurt like a bitch. Actually, I'm really tired even now. So.. night.

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