
She turned her face to speak

but no one heard her cry
d r i v e f a s t e r, b o y
["Midnight Show" - The Killers]

Today, I'm angry and depressed and I don't know how to explain it. It's like I built myself up to be disappointed. I thought that being a teenager would mean I'd stop messing up but instead it just made it worse because before I thought it was alright because I was about to be, well, a teenager but now it's totally not alright at all. I still feel like a stupid kid who screws up everything and says stupid stuff. If you're trying to text me, I turned my phone off. I don't really know if I should post this, but I might as well. It's the least of my problems right now.

I'm thinking of inviting some friends out to go somewhere, maybe tomorrow or Friday. I don't like groups, though, so I'd probably end up only hanging out with one or two friends. Speaking of friends, I'm getting sick of hearing my girl friends go on about how much they love their "uber-hawt" boyfriends. :l

I may give the link here to a guy I met at the SET / Chess Tournament. His name is Cody, but just for future reference if I do give it to him and he does go to the link, he clearly is not the Cody mentioned in previous posts.

I was reading through my second-grade journal. It's so freaking retarded. At age seven, though, I was already reading Harry Potter five, so I'm sort of proud of my little-self. Honestly, I don't know if that's really a big achievement or not, seeing as half the kids at the elementary school I went to could barely read even in fifth grade and in the journal I mentioned that one of my SECOND GRADE classmates turned eleven, so obviously pretty much any academic achievement could be considered great compared to my classmates. I feel like an ass for saying that, but it's true. (Random fact: Melanie and Timberli, who were in eighth grade last year, went to the same elementary school, I believe.)

Caroline is convinced, for whatever reason, that I should date her ex-boyfriend Wyatt. Here's our conversation from Myspace:
CarolineCatastrophe++ : hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ rhii is radical ] : Hey, Caroline.
CarolineCatastrophe++ : Whats up?
[ rhii is radical ] : Nothing. I'm depressed. :l
CarolineCatastrophe++ : why???? :(
[ rhii is radical ] : Because I keep screwing up. :\
CarolineCatastrophe++ : imsorry! me and wyatt broke up.
[ rhii is radical ] : Haven't you been trying to break up with him for a while?
CarolineCatastrophe++ : not really :/. omg! you should date him!!!!!!!!!!!
[ rhii is radical ] : ... me? I can't really see that happening. It would probably be a week-long relationship filled with awkward, half-hearted conversation. Besides, I'm not really interested in dating anyone right now. My Fear of Ruining Friendships by Dating Guy Friends and Breaking Up With Them is acting up again.
CarolineCatastrophe++ : i sorry
[ rhii is radical ] : It's fine. You didn't say anything wrong. ... why did Braxton dye his hair blue?

And then we went on to hold an epically brief conversation about the fact that Braxton dyed his hair blue.

I turned my phone back on, by the way. I don't think anyone noticed it was off, though.


Anonymous said...

wow blue hair

Anonymous said...

i would never dyemy hair blue =p

Anonymous said...

im gonna try to get a bunch of comments on here to

Anonymous said...

4th comment!!!

Anonymous said...

lets start a riot!!!


Anonymous said...

im thinking of a color...

Anonymous said...

and im going to give hints...

Anonymous said...

its not blue....

Anonymous said...

its not red...

Anonymous said...

its not yellow....

Anonymous said...

its not green....

Anonymous said...

its not pink...

Anonymous said...

its not brown...

Anonymous said...

its ot black....

Anonymous said...

its not blueredyellowgreenbrownblack....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i need help starting this post continous thingy!!!!!
im gonna get levi to help. mwuahahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

people..... help meh start this comment party or i shall eat ur faces off >.<

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

21st comment!

Rhio said...

xD Are you having fun, Cory?

Anonymous said...

i r british now.

i would like a spot of tea... just a wittle spot? nope?... not even a spot?

fine i wants crumpets..no? how dare u??!?!?!?
-grabs gun-

Anonymous said...


u is here!!!

Anonymous said...

yes im having fun =]

Anonymous said...

comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!
comment partay!!!!!!!!

Rhio said...

That I am. xD

And I actually have tea. Like, real tea. Tea is practically the only thing we drink over here. :P

Oh! I forgot to put in my blog post that I found some photos from the 2008 SET/Chess Tournament, which reminded me that I shot a video while we were in the break room and most of it is you waving your hands around in front of the lens, but at one point Levi just randomly walked past. I don't think he even realized I had a camera out. xD

Rhio said...


Anonymous said...

i luvs tea, if i dont have a soft drink around i has to have tea =]

o and can u send that video to my email?

Anonymous said...

if u can, my email is


Rhio said...

I would, but it's on my other computer, which doesn't have Internet. D: When I get a new USB drive I'll send it to you, though.

Rhio said...

It has no sound, 'cos my camera shoots silent movies. I seriously don't know what the point in equipping a camera with video function is if it has no sound. It's like how I shot a bunch of videos on my phone, then realized that I could only upload them in nine second segments - and the videos were all twelve+ minutes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the only video i have on my fone is one from the diet coke an mento's expirement at school on the last day, its funy tho cuz u cn see the science teacher running away but still getting shot with coke

Anonymous said...

omg the word verification for this comment is


Rhio said...

I have videos from P.E. xD I managed to tape a girl being a total bitch to my friends and me. Evidenceeee~

Omg. :o ... I have word verification? xD

Anonymous said...

yes u do =p.

and this time its "bitypeas"

at first i thought it said
"bitch please"
and i was like "omg"

but anyway ye i read that post about u getting that video

Anonymous said...

comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment

Rhio said...

Oh, man. I just lol'd. xD Sorry I poofed.

Anonymous said...

lol =o, im trying to get a playlist on meh blog =]

Rhio said...

Coolio. :o

Levi said...

Hai thar.

And honey, being a teenager means that you ARE going to make mistakes and mess up. I've kind of gotten used to it. Hormones are great, aren't they? *sarcasm*

And don't most girls not want their friends to date their ex's? But... I guess because SHE broke up with HIM... whatever. Girls are weird.

Oh, I noticed you had your phone off. Well... actually, I figured you were busy or something. You didn't text me for a good bit, so I guessed something was up.

Sorry I missed the comment par-tay. I had other plans.

Like being locked in my closet.

Melody said...

How did you get locked in your closet???