
Jennifer, tell me where I stand

and who's that other boy holdin' your hand?
["Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf" - The Killers]

Oh, man. I love the Murder Trilogy. It consists of "Leave the Bourbon on the Shelf", "Midnight Show", and "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine" and follows the murder of a girl named Jennifer / Jenny by the narrator. ... but you probably guessed that. :o

I've had such an art block recently. I'm about ready to slam my head into a wall. I even locked myself in a room with a sheet of blank paper and a pencil and the paper remained blank. Apparently my only art skills at the moment are in doodling absently on jeans, and even then I suck rather badly. Hopefully writing more for Juuni and David, whether it's in blogs or the script or ROLEPLAYING (Lor, I would be staring at you pointedly if I were not nine hours away from you), will help fuel my artistic... artistic something. :l

The only exception to my cake-hate is my dad's Hershey cake. It is so effin' yummy. :o I can't shove it through the computer though because that would make a mess.

I seriously have that mixed CD on repeat. Well, not literally, because my CD player doesn't have a 'repeat' option, but I keep my finger on the 'play' button when the last track starts to end (isn't that sort of an oxymoronic phrase? starts to end...). And yes, I do know the name of the last track, I'm just starting to feel like an idiot for using too much formatting when typing song, band, movie, book, play, and story titles / names.

I'm thinking of returning to deviantART, but I don't know what I'd do. I mean, I'm sick of posting pencil drawings with no color, but I refuse to allow others to color them or color them traditionally myself. I'm too stubborn. :l

Don't know if anyone's been wondering - actually, I doubt they have - but the reason Austin's name appears so often even now that I don't talk to him is because he used to be an important part of my life for about a year and a half, and virtually no 'flashback' to sixth grade or the beginning of seventh can run its full length without him appearing. (I use weird metaphors. :l Wait, is that a metaphor? Disregard that. Please.) Like in sixth grade when he was dipping a Cheezit in chocolate pudding and Deja glanced over and went, "You nasty ass motherfucker." and we all burst into laughter. :D

Um... I seriously have nothing else to blog about. :l I need a life. OHWAIT. I found my journal from seventh grade and I considered posting some of the entries but then I decided not to. They're either all too boring or too personal. (In sixth grade, I had a different journal and Cody kept trying to steal it from me to read November 27th's entry. It didn't exist.)

SURVEY TIME. (Yes. I stole this from Lor who probably stole it from Gemma or Passion or Chloe. This is seriously the only reason I ever go on deviantART anymore - to steal surveys to cure my boredom.) Feel free to ignore it. (holy effff that was a long effin' survey effffff)


1. First thing you wash in the shower??
My hair.

2. What color is your favorite hoodie??
Pink, white, purple, yellow, blue, and black. It's checkered. :)

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again??
The last person I kissed was my dad, on the cheek. So, yes. He's my dad.

4. Do you plan outfits??
Yes, actually. Usually days in advance.

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now??
Tired. Irritated. Bored.

6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red??
It's a cross between a Dr. Pepper bottle and a can of Pringles.

7. Do you say aim or a-i-m??
Aim. I used to say "A-im" in my head.

8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having.
Er. I'd love to. ... if I could remember the last dream I remembered having.

9. Did you meet anybody new today??
Yeah, random people on the street who I'll never see again and didn't exchange more than a glance with. :D (Lor, you're lucky I saw the result before I actually read your response to this question, because otherwise I'd have killed you.)

10. What are you craving right now??
Coke, of the soda variety.

11. Do you floss??
Yes. :) [/dork]

12. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
Avatar, because it was Lor's response so now I can't think 'cabbage' without thinking 'Avatar'. I also can't get the image of Sokka munching on cabbage out of my head, even though that was created by my own imagination while trying to find the relation between the vegetable and the TV show. In reality, I have no clue what Lor was talking about.

13. When was the last time you talked on aim??
Saturday night.

14. Are you emotional??
Overly. I don't show it as much as I feel it.

15. Would you dance to the taco song??
I dance to everything, bitch.

16. Have you ever counted to 1,000??
Who does that?

17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it??
I guess it depends on what my mood is like. :o I'm trying not to say anything that could be taken as sexual but I think I just did.

18. Do you like your hair??
Occasionally. Sometimes I hate it for what I refer to as its 'mutt' color, which resulted from my roots growing in, my bleached blonde showing through a bit, and the color from my most recent dyeing fading and mixing. Sometimes I hate it for the choppy, shaggy layers and it's natural curliness. And sometimes I love it because it's shiny and easy to manage when straightened. :D And not too girly.

19. Do you like yourself??
I like who I am now, mostly. ... mostly.

20. Have you ever met a celebrity??
Does meeting the shirtless drummer from Bulletproof Marshmallows count? Did I mention he was shirtless? Also, Sally Fields is my cousin of some sort, but I've never met her. I'm also related to the dude who pulled the sword from the stone, but he sort of died way back when. Way, way back when.

21. Do you like cottage cheese??
What the hell?

22. What are you listening to right now??
The mixed CD. I did say I was listening to it repeatedly. -nod-

23. How many countries have you visited??
... Does Epcot at Disney World count?

24. Are your parents strict??
Sort of.

25. Would you go sky diving??
Haha. For a second I thought you were serious. :D Of course not. I'm heights-phobic. I'd only go sky diving if the person going with me was, like, someone seriously important to me. And I mean seriously. I would never jump out of, like, a plane or whatever unless my life or someone else's were in danger or unless a freaking close friend asked me to.

26. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush??
Sure. Why not?

28. Is there anything shiny in the room you're in??

29. Have you ever been in a castle??
In my dreams. But the castle in question was usually Hogwarts.

30. Do you rent movies?

31. Who sits in behind you in your history class??
Used to be Wyatt J.

32. Have you made a prank phone call??
I fail twice as much as Lor. I have.

33. Do you own a gun??

34. Can you count backwards from 74??
Sure. Don't hold your breath for me to start counting, though. :l Too lazy.

35. Who are you going to be with tonight??
Uh... my family and dogs? Not in the sexual way.

36. Brown or white eggs??
What Lor said. :D Whatever it meant. [/fail]

37. Do you own something from Hot Topic??
An over-sized P!atD t-shirt.

38. Ever been on a train??

39. Like the person you’re dating??
Of course! I love my invisible boyfriend.

40. Do you have a cell-phone?
A Dare. :D

41. Are you too forgiving??
Used to be. I'm not now, by far. It's pretty hard for me to trust anyone unless I'm sure they're not a 'threat' (i.e. someone who could easily hurt me emotionally) or I'm in a "what-the-hell-I-don't-give-a-damn" mood.

42. Do you use chap stick??
Why would I do that? I rarely even wear lipgloss.

43. What is your best friend doing tomorrow??
I don't know. Angela, Levi, what are you guys doing tomorrow?

44. Can you use chop sticks??
Yes. I'm actually doing it right and everyone else is doing it wrong. Don't you know you're supposed to stab through it with the chop stick to pick it up?

45. Ever have cream puffs??

46. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect??
No. o0

47. What was the last question you asked??
Wouldn't it be "No?" from question 45?

48. What was the last CD you bought??
I can't remember.

49. Boys or girls??
Guys, as friends. I get along with them a lot more. It's sort of like how I get along more with older kids than kids my age.

50. What is your bus number for school??
Who the hell said I rode a bus?

51. Is your hair curly??
Yes. :l It was originally straight but then it fell out and came back curly.

52. Last time you cried??
Not long ago at all. Maybe a few days; maybe a week.

53. Ever walked into a wall??
Oh, man. Yeah. So many times.

54. Do looks matter??
Not really. It is natural to be more comfortable around different people due to appearances, but I'll talk to and hang out with anyone who isn't an ass or annoying, no matter how they look. People think I'm strange because I wear American Eagle and Aeropostale but hang out with people who wear DC and Volcom. True, I do obsess over how I look sometimes.

56. Have you ever slapped someone??
Yes. :D ... 55 is missing.

57. Favorite time of the year??
Summer. It's bright and free and warm. I become seriously depressed during winter and don't want to talk to people.

58. Favorite color??
Yellows and oranges and pinks and reds and blues and greys and blacks. :D And dark purples.

59. Are you sarcastic??
Yes. :)

60. Do you have any tattoos??

61. The last person you held hands with??
Er. I don't know? I don't really hold hands. It's the most common form of couple-PDA and PDA makes me seriously uncomfortable.

62. Do you sleep with the TV on??

63. Where was your default picture taken at??
In the bathroom at the store my family owns. xD I was looking in the mirror when I took it.

64. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people??
If I made a list it would be horribly long. :l

65. Do you like your life right now??
It's boring every day I'm not doing anything with friends, but it's pretty good.

66. How often do you talk on the phone??
I am a texting addict, but I don't call often.

67. What is your favorite animal??
meerkats, baby. :D

68. What was the most recent thing you bought??
A Coke and a dog dish, simultaneously.

69. Do you have good vision??
I wear glasses. 'Nough said.

70. Can you hoola hoop?
HAHAHAno. I am not an effin' chipmunk.

71. Could you ever forgive a cheater??
Lor said it perfectly: Depends on the situation.

72. Do you have a job??
Not really. Kind of. I sit at my mom's store everyday but I don't do anything.

73. Can you handle the truth??
Truthfully? Yes.

74. What are you wearing??
Jeans. Pink peace sign shirt. Yellow peace sign necklace. Pink sock. Blue sock. Purple glasses. Earphones.

75. Have you ever crawled through a window??
Why would I do that?


Levi said...

The cure for your art block: Peanut butter. O_o

I'm glad you're enjoying the CD. I'm kinda curious about this: What's your favorite track?

Oh, and if you don't know any of the song names/artists, just ask.

The thing with Austin makes sense. Like, I don't have a single memory from 5th grade that doesn't include this girl Alex.

But I do the opposite of what you do. I don't talk about her. At all. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. I used to hate her. But now it's just... Whatever.

Alex helped shape a lot of who I am today. She doesn't know it, but she did. For that I'm thankful.

Mmkay, I don't particularly like talking about her too much. I'm over everything that happened, but it still makes me... uncomfortable to talk about it all.

Rhio said...

o.o But that would make me sick. (Random fact: when I ate the bad peanut butter that made me sick, I was sitting in a tent watching Ed, Edd, and Eddy. I don't know why. I was seven. Seven year olds do stupid things.)

I looked up most of the songs by lyrics so I wouldn't sound like an idiot. xD I recognized a few of the tracks when I heard them, though. My favorite is probably "Don't Want the World to See Me".

I have to admit, if not for Austin I probably wouldn't be who I am either. That may not be such a good thing, though.

I talk about him and about Cody and Laurel because I did have good memories with them. I sort of miss hanging out with them and having no worries. For a while, I was on top of the world. :\ Nothing gold can stay, though.

~Loreo Cookies~ said...

Lawl. I hate talking about people from the past. Maybe it's because of Tavo, and I don't even know his exes but I absolutely hate two of them. And he knows it. ;x

But yeah. : D
To me awesome music = raging guitar riffs, some screaming, and insane drums. :3

And yay you took my survey. 8DDD

Rhio said...

I know what your kind of music is. x.x I can't stand it, but you already know that. Just like you don't like my kind of music. xD I think the only thing we have in common is Avenged Sevenfold, because you got me to listen to them (although I only really like Afterlife and Scream).

I usually don't like the exes of guys I like or date. :/