
It's the edge of the world

and all of western civilization
The sun may rise in the east
At least it settles in a final location
It's understood that Hollywood
sells Californication
["Californication" - Red Hot Chili Peppers]


I guess getting that out of my system in my last post really helped. :o Something clicked in my brain and now I'm starting to know myself. Sounds retarded, but it's true. I'm still pretty confused, but I'm happier.

I've been seriously getting into sewing recently. Last night, I stayed up 'till 3:30 AM working on a messenger bag I was sewing out of a t-shirt and I finished it today (total time spent: seven hours due to hand-sewing). Unfortunately, the strap spontaneously broke (I never said I was good at sewing :l), so now I have to fix that before I can actually use it. I may post a photo of it soon, along with a shawl (I am fucking PROUD of the button I put on it :D).

I have such a strange memory. Last night, while I was sewing (everyone was asleep), I just randomly remembered Levi mentioning the Fourth of July and how he and Trevor used to go down to Panama City, I think? every year, and how I responded, "My family doesn't really do stuff on the Fourth of July. That's just how we roll," and then remembered how I felt so stupid for saying 'that's how we roll'. And now I feel retarded for remembering that I remembered that.

I'm going to make candy on Thursday, by the way. Just because I'm awesome. I'm also thinking about hand-making a few sketchbooks / journals. If I do, I'll probably make some for my friends. They sound pretty easy from the tut I'm reading. Also, I totally want to make stuff out of the old Seventeen magazines I have. I've read and reread them a million times but since I underwent that unbelievable change from girly to tomboy, not much in it is really useful, except for guy advice, career articles, clothes help, etc. In the clothing department, though, I can pretty much handle myself. :/ I usually just wear t-shirts and jeans, but that's really been more of a strict guideline I've had myself on. I've decided to loosen up on what I wear, because I'm seriously running out of t-shirts and polos. Also, I may start wearing Brown again. It deserves the capital letter for being so important in my life that I avoid it like the plague. I think I'm ready for Brown. :o It can no longer hurt my self esteem.

I want to paint my shoes. Yes, I do mean my black Chuck Taylors. I may paint them in blue, yellow, and white. That's only if I can use the woodpaint, though. If I can't, I could always paint them in nail polish, the way I used to paint doll faces, but in that case, I wouldn't have any yellow. D:

I totally want to start a scrapbook out of a binder. I know, it sounds dorky. All I need is a new, white binder, a few cameras (not digital, the kind that you have to have developed - I'm too lazy to Google the actual term), and some average craft supplies. I'd like to document everyday life. (Of course, not the kind of 'everyday life' where I'm sitting at home, I mean the days that I go out with friends. Duh.) I'd sort of like to collaborate on it with someone, but in this case, 'someone' is pretty limited since only, like, four people that I know offline have the link to my blog. xD

I forgot to mention, I have penguin-shaped cookie cutters. Why did no one ever tell me this before? I'm going to use them to cut the sugar candy I'm making Thursday. :D I'm also going to hand-paint the candy (edible paint). Maybe I'll do some, like, black and white striped and some red with white polka dots.
I sound totally girly, don't I? xD It's not that I AM totally girly, it's just that I'm in a total DIY and use the word "totally" a lot mood.

That reminds me, I want to make hats with ears on and hoodies. :o And I still need to make Lor's hoodie. Sorry, Lor. But, hey! At least now when I make it I'll actually have good sewing skills. I'd really like to make stuff for a lot of my friends, but I wouldn't know what they'd like. :l Also, since most of my friends are guys, and sewing and cooking and painting usually produce girly results, I'm at a total loss. I don't really have many materials to make stuff with, right now, though (hence the messenger bag being made out of a t-shirt). BUT GET THIS. I even gave the bag a PHONE POCKET on the INSIDE. It's sad that I'm this proud of adding a phone pocket. :/

I should get started on making those sketchbooks if I'm going to tonight. So, yeah. Later. (Likelihood of me actually doing that: %30. Likelihood of me Googling more DIY tutorials and looking around in an arts-and-crafts-craving frenzy to gather materials that I'll eventually do nothing with: %70.)


Levi said...

Are you sure you can handle Brown? Brown is a deadly and powerful force not to be messed with. XD

Kidding, kidding.

And would you stop worrying about saying something stupid? I do it all the time. At least, what I say sounds stupid. To me.

And eek: Cameras scare me. Just a little bit. I read once as a little kid that cameras steal your soul, and my gullible ass believed it. Even though I don't believe in that now, I guess I'm still sorta intimidated by cameras. O.o

I haven't listened to the Red Hot Chili Peppers in forever. Wow. =/

Rhio said...

Yeah, I think I might be ready. xD

I can't help it. :l I'm afraid of messing up.

Damn. D: I love taking photos. You shouldn't have let me watch Shutter because now I just want to start on the scrapbook all the sooner. Today I found a camera with 12 shots left. :D

You need to. :l Go listen. Now.