
if you are barely moving

then you have barely moved
regretfully, you see, I've found another place for me
beyond the Circle City, outside the boundary line
far away from here, from previously wasted time
["Circle City Blues" - Hadji and the Turbans]

You know what another name for Dothan is? The Circle City. Yeah. That song is about Dothan. :D You can hear it here. Seriously. Go listen. Especially you, Levi. Hadji and the Turbans is awesome.

I'm starting to get sick of Dothan. I used to love the city. Love, love, love it. But now I can't wait until I turn 18 or 19 so I can go to San Fran. I'd rather live in a big city because 1. there's more to do and 2. you can make a fresh start. Honestly, I'd run off to New York City, but I can't stand the cold. I know. I suck.

I got out of my art block (finally). I'm sort of considering drawing a brief comic or simple picture to go with each blog post to get more into drawing again.

I've become a total Myspace junkie. I'm constantly on Myspace. It's addicting. I can't go an hour without signing on and IMing someone (my frequent victims are Caroline, Cory, Jessica, Connor, and Lor).

I honestly can't say that I know what else to say.


Levi said...

It's 5:30 in the morning. I've had barely 2 hours of sleep. And that song just made my day.

It's good to know that I'm not the only person who dislikes this place. I think I've displayed my distaste for Dothan already, haven't I?

I'm not saying it's a horrible place, but it's just not for me. I hate how everyone knows everyone and so gossip spreads like crazy. I hate the narrow-minded ways we have here. I hate the lifestyle. I hate all the churches and banks that overpopulate this place.

Most of all, I hate the heat.

But I love this song. And love is stronger than hate. XD

I really have no plan. I don't like Dothan right now, and I guess I'm hoping that will change. I don't want to move away from my family, but I don't want to stay here at the same time.

I guess if I have any sort of plan, it's to wake up one day in the future, pack all my stuff, leave a note, and drive off in a direction. Any direction. Go where fate takes me, y'know?

Not much of a plan, more like a... dream or a fantasy. I need to work on it. Sometime soon.

I hate pushing things off, I feel like that makes me lazy. And lazy will get me nowhere.

That's good that you got out of your art block, but sadly the past few days I've been in a writer's block. I haven't been able to journal, make a blog post, or anything. It's been suckish.

...And I've had this song played over and over again. Gah. I loves it.

Melody said...

Wow, I can barely read your blog.
It's nice though. I loved that post with the 75 questions on it.

- mel mel

Rhio said...

@Levi: I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY NARROW-MINDED. I'm SICK of it. It's one thing to be conservative, it's another thing to push it to the fucking limits. (Seriously, they push my buttons.)

I'm glad you like the song. I thought you would.

Writers' block sucks. :/ We already talked about it via texts, so I don't have much to say here.

@Melody: Thank you. :) If you don't mind me asking, how is it hard to read? I'd just like to know so I can fix it.

Melody said...

The text is a little too light of a color.

Then again, maybe I'm going color blind.

*squints at black and white screen*

- mel mel

Melody said...



- mel mel