
Hey, don't write yourself off yet

It's only in your head you feel left out
Or looked down on
Just try your best,
Try everything you can
And don't you worry what they tell themselves
When you're away
["The Middle" - Jimmy Eat World]

Levi and I went to the mall today. :o We didn't have very long, though, because I arrived forty-five minutes late (please. flame me. I'm always late.) and he had to leave at 3:50, therefore giving us an hour and five minutes, if my math is not retarded. We were mostly quiet the entire time, but I didn't mind. It's nice to hang out with him. After he left, Heather, her friend Denae, and I went to Wet Pets to look for another hedgehog for Denae. I don't like pet shops. I didn't want to even glance at the puppies. The entire time I mostly just watched the mice and hamsters. I like mice and hamsters. They're small, relatively quiet, and (to me, at least) cute. My mom would never let me get one, though.

After that, we went to The McDonald's with the Tree, then Target. I ended up in the Books section, looking for a Maximum Ride novel so I could read the back. I found Max, but I wasn't sure if it was the first in the series or not, and I didn't see a number on it. If there is one, then maybe I'm just retarded. I didn't really look too thoroughly because I didn't want to spoil it if it did happen to be a book later in the series. I then searched for at least one Terry Pratchett novel. My search was fruitless. Every store needs a Terry Pratchett novel.

Speaking of which, I have successfully pulled Levi over to the Dark Side. As I type this, he is off reading Night Watch, as he should be doing. :D I lent it to him and he lent me The Tiger Rising after finding that I didn't know what the Sistine Chapel was. (I am officially an idiot.) He said that he thought I'd like the female lead - Sistine Bailey - and he was so right it's scary. xD

As I set down the book, I just started thinking about Sistine's anger, then about my own. I don't really have a reason to be angry, when I think about it. I could just be a naturally angry person. I blow up when someone tells me to shut up. I intentionally do things to piss other people off, just daring them to fight me. Unlike Sistine, I don't have the opportunity to actually fight people as much as I'd like. Yes, I just said "like". I like fighting. Come to think of it, I think I'm just angry at myself. I don't know. ... That's a retarded minirant.

Speaking of tempers, I have a fucked up memory, which I have mentioned before. I don't like it. I sort of like it. But not really. I remember things exactly as they happened. Sometimes from another person's point of view, which is not supposed to be possible and may just be my imagination. But only "important" events stick in my mind. Yeah, half of this is coming out retarded and I just erased my "for instances", because they make me sound like a stalker. I suppose my memory could come in handy, but it hasn't yet. Unless you count being able to remember certain lines in Night Watch, including some from the excerpt from Monstrous Regiment. Every time I cut my hair, I hear Polly's fictional voice in my head saying "The effect the scissors had was... erratic, but it was no worse than other male haircuts here. It'd do." And today when I was wearing my baggy Converse jeans, I remembered the line "Then again, even plain old Sam Vimes didn't have his arse hanging out of his trousers, but no one would have actually started a war if he had." Those aren't exactly useful in everyday life, though, so I'm doubting the utility of my memory skills.

I went blonde on Saturday. No, not literally. I did ask two particularly stupid questions, though. After I heard my parents talking about college, I just blurted out, "Can a woman get a bachelor's degree?" without actually thinking it out. Later that night, my mom was watching a crime show and a dude was talking about what this other dude did to this chick, and he went "--he skinned her, he raped her--" and I accidentally asked out loud: "In that order?" I could hear my sister laughing in the kitchen.

And I'm really stupid for nearly forgetting this, but I told Levi pretty much everything I've been hiding, even though I realized that what I was hiding sounded pretty not-that-bad. But it really was. Is. The Problems did not go away. :l

ItalyItalyItaly. The chick on TV just said "Michaelangelo", reminding me of the fact that Levi wants to go to Sicily. I vote for an Italy roadtrip. I WILL see Venice before it sinks, dammit. BLAME THEIF LORD.

I need to stop typing up rambles and rants and then erasing them. I just prepared an entire ramble about Juuni's personality in comparison to mine and ended up erasing it all.


Levi said...

Max is actually the fifth book. The first one is The Angel Experiment. So yeah. :o

And it's weird, sometimes I can remember myself doing something as if I'm watching myself do it. Of course, I just shrugs those off as dreams or something. The memories are usually so far back in the past, it doesn't matter anyways.

AND OH MY GOD. The same thing happens to me sometimes! Except I don't remember lines from books usually. Since summer started, my science teacher will randomly pop into my head saying science-y stuff that fits with my current problem. It's so effing weird.

I laughed so hard when you said, "In that order?" They really should be specific about that kinda thing. XD

Sicily, Venice. Hell, might as well put Vatican City on there. In case you didn't know: Vatican City is a square mile in area, but it is its own country. It's inside Rome, Italy, but since it's where the pope is, they only follow the Church's rules. Not Rome's or Italy's even.We learned about it in Mr. Atwell's Class and it was very interesting.

All this talk of Italy is torturing me. I vote for an Italy road trip too. XD

I don't think I'm a very angry person. If I do get angry, it goes inward. Most people when they're angry take it out on someone else - I just take it out on myself. My anger just converts to depression, I guess. I don't know.

Which is how it gets bottled up and eventually explodes. I don't hold grudges, but I'm not very forgiving either. "Sorry" just doesn't cut it sometimes.

I've rambled enough. :l

Lexi said...

HELLZ YEAH you should go on an Italy road trip. Rates are really cheap right now, so I bet you could buy plane tickets and run away tonight. Fun, eh?

And GAH after I read Levi's comment I was like shit! NONONONO I never want to hear about the Vatican again! We spent three months of religion class studying the Vatican. I'm not even Catholic. Did you know that the Pope has his own photographer who documents EVERY SINGLE DAY OF HIS LIFE? (the pope's life, i mean) Every hour, even?

Levi said...

I'm not Catholic, but I'd still love to visit it. :o

I don't have to believe in the religion to admire its buildings and art, after all.

Rhio said...

@Levi Oh. Okay. :o

I can remember recent stuff more easily and in more detail. I don't have many memories from years and years ago.

xD Oh, man. I have a little Sam Vimes in the back of my mind. @.@

They should. xD

To Italy we go~ It really would be awesome to run off to Italy for a month, maybe more or less.

I'm a grudge sort of person. :/ Which has been made pretty clear by the way I talk about some people.

@Lexi I would so buy a ticket if I had money. xD But as it is, I fail.